What is the prudent person concept?

What is the prudent person concept?

Question 5-4 The prudent person concept states that a person has a duty to exercise reasonable care and diligence in the performance of obligations to another Therefore, the auditor is expected to conduct an audit using due care, but does not claim to be a guarantor or insurer of financial statements

What is a reasonable person test?

In a workplace investigation, taking the reasonable person test into account will assist an investigator in determining whether a respondent’s conduct is reasonable or appropriate in the specific circumstances, and whether the complainant is being reasonable in their response or in feeling affronted or aggrieve

Is there a difference between a reasonable woman and a reasonable man?

In evaluating alleged sexual harassment, the reasonable person standard is an objective standard of perception based on a fictitious, reasonable person The difference is that the reasonable woman standard accounts for the different perceptions between men and women regarding words or actions of a sexual nature

What is the but for test in law?

The basic test for establishing causation is the “but-for” test in which the defendant will be liable only if the claimant’s damage would not have occurred “but for” his negligence

What is an example of causation in law?

Example of Legal Causation In this situation, Henry is the factual cause of Mary’s death because he started the chain of events that led to her death with his push In addition, it is foreseeable that Mary might suffer a serious injury or death when shoved directly into a large and heavy piece of furniture

Do you need both factual and legal causation?

Factual causation requires proof that the defendant’s conduct was a necessary condition of the consequence, established by proving that the consequence would not have occurred but for the defendant’s conduct Legal causation requires proof that the defendant’s conduct was sufficiently connected to its occurrenc

How do you establish causation?

To establish causality you need to show three things–that X came before Y, that the observed relationship between X and Y didn’t happen by chance alone, and that there is nothing else that accounts for the X -> Y relationship

What are the three rules of causation?

There are three conditions for causality: covariation, temporal precedence, and control for “third variables” The latter comprise alternative explanations for the observed causal relationshi

What are the five rules of causation?

Causal statements must follow five rules: 1) Clearly show the cause and effect relationship 2) Use specific and accurate descriptions of what occurred rather than negative and vague words 3) Identify the preceding system cause of the error and NOT the human error

How do you establish cause and effect?

There are three criteria that must be met to establish a cause-effect relationship:

  1. The cause must occur before the effect
  2. Whenever the cause occurs, the effect must also occur
  3. There must not be another factor that can explain the relationship between the cause and effect

What are the criteria for establishing a cause and effect relationship?

The three criteria for establishing cause and effect – association, time ordering (or temporal precedence), and non-spuriousness – are familiar to most researchers from courses in research methods or statistics

How do you determine cause and effect relationships?

To find cause and effect relationships, we look for one event that caused another event The cause is why the event happens The effect is what happened Sam has no cavities is the effect or what happened

What are examples of cause and effect?

Cause and effect is the relationship between two things when one thing makes something else happen For example, if we eat too much food and do not exercise, we gain weight Eating food without exercising is the “cause;” weight gain is the “effect” There may be multiple causes and multiple effects

What are examples of effects?

For example, you can feel the effects of a cold or an earthquake, and the sun coming out can have a positive effect on your mood Some synonyms of effect include words like result, repercussion, consequence, outcome, aftermath, and the noun version of impact

What are cause and effect words?

Recognize Cause and Effect Relationships Effect is defined as what happened Cause is defined as why something happened Clue words that signal causal relationships include: such as, because, so, consequently, therefore, thus, and since

What’s another word for cause and effect?

What is another word for cause and effect?

domino effect causal sequence
chain of events contagion effect
domino theory knock-on
knock-on effect ripple effect
slippery slope overspreading

What is another word for effect?

How does the verb effect contrast with its synonyms? Some common synonyms of effect are accomplish, achieve, discharge, execute, fulfill, and perform While all these words mean “to carry out or into effect,” effect adds to achieve an emphasis on the inherent force in the agent capable of surmounting obstacles

What is an antonym for cause and effect?

A condition is something that necessarily precedes a result, but does not produce it The direct antonym of cause is effect, while that of antecedent is consequen

What is another name of cause and effect diagram?

(Also known as Cause and Effect Diagrams, Fishbone Diagrams, Ishikawa Diagrams, Herringbone Diagrams, and Fishikawa Diagrams) When you have a serious problem, it’s important to explore all of the things that could cause it, before you start to think about a solution

What are four major categories used on a fishbone diagram?

This type of fishbone diagram gets its name from the way it organizes information about potential causes into four common categories: Suppliers, Systems, Surroundings and Skill

How do you do a cause and effect fishbone diagram?

Fishbone Diagram Procedure

  1. Agree on a problem statement (effect)
  2. Brainstorm the major categories of causes of the problem
  3. Write the categories of causes as branches from the main arrow
  4. Brainstorm all the possible causes of the problem
  5. Again ask “Why does this happen?” about each cause

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