
What is the purpose of an SAE?

What is the purpose of an SAE?

The purpose of SAE is to give you a wide variety of experiences to explore the career field you are interested in. The majority of SAE programs are performed outside of regular class time, either at your home or in a place of business. Understanding professionalism and safety is important in conducting an SAE program.

What is an SAE for FFA?

Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) is a student-led, instructor-supervised, work- based learning experience that results in measurable outcomes within a predefined, agreed upon set of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Technical Standards and Career Ready Practices aligned to your Career Plan of study …

What are the 6 components of an SAE?


  • Career Exploration.
  • Employability Skills & College Readiness.
  • Personal Financial Management.
  • Workplace Safety.
  • Agricultural Literacy Immersion SAEs (traditional SAEs) are developed here.

What are the 5 types of SAE?

There are five Immersion SAE types that build upon the Foundational SAE component in a real-world application:

  • Placement/Internship SAE.
  • Ownership/Entrepreneurship SAE.
  • Research: Experimental, Analysis or Invention SAE.
  • School-Based Enterprise SAE.
  • Service-Learning SAE.

What is an example of SAE?

Examples of exploratory SAE activities might include: observing and/or assisting a florist, Interviewing an agricultural loan officer in a bank, preparing a scrapbook on the work of a veterinarian, growing plants in a milk jug “greenhouse”, assisting on a horse farm for a day, attending an agricultural career day at …

What are the 7 types of SAE?

Types of SAE

  • Entrepreneurship.
  • Placement.
  • Agriscience Research.
  • Agricultural Service Learning.
  • Exploratory.
  • Improvement.
  • Supplemental.
  • Directed School Laboratory.

What are the three essential elements of an SAE?

An agricultural education program is made up of three integrated parts: classroom instruction, FFA and a supervised agricultural experience (SAE). The SAE is a required component of a total agricultural education program and intended for every student.

What is your SAE?

What are some good SAE projects?

Organize and/or run a petting zoo at local fairs or farmers’ markets. Provide a kennel cleaning service. Provide equine training services. Provide fishing and hiking services for area youth groups and elementary students.

What is a placement SAE project?

Placement SAE programs involve the placement of students on farms, in agribusinesses, in school facilities or in community facilities to provide a learning by doing environment. Examples of placement SAEs include working in the produce department of a grocery store, working at a garden center and working on a farm.

What is a research SAE project?

Research SAEs require time invested (and money, if applicable) in a project that attempts to answer a research question or test a hypothesis. Your project centers on following the scientific method and developing a final report of findings and recommendations.

What are the 8 types of supervised agricultural experiences SAE?

There should be an expansive set of SAE types for students to choose from such as:

  • Foundational SAE. Career exploration & planning. Personal financial planning and management. Workplace Safety.
  • Immersion SAE. Entrepreneurship/Ownership. Placement/Internships. Research (Experimental, Analytical, Invention)

What are five requirements for an SAE project?

There are five required components to a Foundational SAE:

  • Career Exploration and Planning.
  • Employability Skills for College and Career Readiness.
  • Personal Financial Management and Planning.
  • Workplace Safety.
  • Agricultural Literacy (may be transitioned to Immersion SAE)

What are the steps in deciding an SAE?

Steps in planning an SAE program are:

  1. Identify career interest in agriculture.
  2. Review the job responsibilities of career interest areas.
  3. Complete the SAE program resource inventory.
  4. Identify any SAE programs of interest.

What are some benefits of a foundational SAE?

Foundational SAEs have five focus areas – career exploration and planning, personal financial management and planning, workplace safety, agricultural literacy, and employability skills for college and career readiness – that are required and graded components of every ag education course.

What is a foundational SAE project?

An Foundational Supervised Agricultural. Experience (SAE) A foundational project is a great SAE opportunity for all students in agricultural education! A key objective is advancement into another SAE!

What are examples of SAE?

What is meant by SAE?

The long answer:The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has established a numerical code system for grading motor oils according to their viscosity characteristics.

What is an SAE plan?

What is a placement SAE?

Category: Uncategorized

What is the purpose of an SAE?

What is the purpose of an SAE?

The purpose of SAE is to give you a wide variety of experiences to explore the career field you are interested in. The majority of SAE programs are performed outside of regular class time, either at your home or in a place of business. Understanding professionalism and safety is important in conducting an SAE program.

What is an SAE in FFA?

A supervised agricultural experience (SAE) is required for all FFA members and serves as a great way to apply classroom principles in the real world.

What are the six components of an SAE?


  • Career Exploration.
  • Employability Skills & College Readiness.
  • Personal Financial Management.
  • Workplace Safety.
  • Agricultural Literacy Immersion SAEs (traditional SAEs) are developed here.

What are the steps in developing a SAE program?

Steps in planning an SAE program are:

  1. Identify career interest in agriculture.
  2. Review the job responsibilities of career interest areas.
  3. Complete the SAE program resource inventory.
  4. Identify any SAE programs of interest.

What are the 7 types of SAE?

Types of SAE

  • Entrepreneurship.
  • Placement.
  • Agriscience Research.
  • Agricultural Service Learning.
  • Exploratory.
  • Improvement.
  • Supplemental.
  • Directed School Laboratory.

What is an example of a placement SAE?

Examples of placement SAE include: working after school at a farm supply store, placement in a florist shop, working on Saturdays at a riding stable, working in the school greenhouse after school and on weekends and holidays or placement on a general livestock farm.

What is a placement SAE?

Placement SAE programs involve the placement of students on farms, in agribusinesses, in school facilities or in community facilities to provide a learning by doing environment. Examples of placement SAEs include working in the produce department of a grocery store, working at a garden center and working on a farm.

What is SAE in medical terms?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A serious adverse event (SAE) in human drug trials is defined as any untoward medical occurrence that at any dose. Results in death.

What type of SAE allows you to complete a short term job in a different area than your primary SAE?

There are several types of SAE but the type that allows you to complete a short term job in a different area than your primary SAE is the Supplementary SAE and is usually totally different and unrelated to the main SAE.

Who has the most responsibility for the SAE program?

The agricultural instructor, parents/guardians, employers, and other partners all play a role in the SAE program. However, the student is ultimately the person most responsible for the SAE.

What are the five areas of an immersion SAE?

There are five Immersion SAE types that build upon the Foundational SAE component in a real-world application:

  • Placement/Internship SAE.
  • Ownership/Entrepreneurship SAE.
  • Research: Experimental, Analysis or Invention SAE.
  • School-Based Enterprise SAE.
  • Service-Learning SAE.

What is my SAE?

Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) is a student-led, instructor-supervised, work- based learning experience that results in measurable outcomes within a predefined, agreed upon set of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Technical Standards and Career Ready Practices aligned to your Career Plan of study …

What are some ideas for an SAE?

Environmental Service Systems – Entrepreneurship Start a leaf collection service in the fall and sell mulch in the spring. Own and operate a water system farm drainage (tilling) company. Start a service to collect used pesticide containers. Sell shop safety equipment door to door.

What are five requirements for an SAE project?

There are five required components to a Foundational SAE:

  • Career Exploration and Planning.
  • Employability Skills for College and Career Readiness.
  • Personal Financial Management and Planning.
  • Workplace Safety.
  • Agricultural Literacy (may be transitioned to Immersion SAE)

What are 3 essential elements of an SAE?

A good plan includes:

  • An Introduction. • Project description/name, your interest, begin/end dates and other basic concepts.
  • Needed resources for the project.
  • Who will assist in your project (supervision)
  • Planned learning outcomes.
  • Foundational SAE (exploration):
  • Research SAE:
  • Placement SAE:
  • Entrepreneurship SAE:

What are the three essential elements of an SAE?

An agricultural education program is made up of three integrated parts: classroom instruction, FFA and a supervised agricultural experience (SAE). The SAE is a required component of a total agricultural education program and intended for every student.

What is a foundational SAE project?

An Foundational Supervised Agricultural. Experience (SAE) A foundational project is a great SAE opportunity for all students in agricultural education! A key objective is advancement into another SAE!

What does SAE stand for in horticulture?

Supervised Agricultural Experience. This is a component of an agriscience program where the student engages in a type of experiential ​learning project with guidance from the local agriscience instructor.

What are the 6 types of SAE programs in FFA?

  • Entrepreneurship/Ownership.
  • Placement/Internships.
  • Research (Experimental, Analytical, Invention)
  • School Business Enterprises.
  • Service Learning.

How many components of an SAE are there?

Every Foundational SAE will provide experiences in five components as a graded part of each of your agricultural education courses.

What serves as a roadmap for an SAE?

What is an SAE? What are four of the eight types of SAE Programs? What is POA (Program of Activities)? Serves as road map for planning activities and accomplishing goals at the local level.

What are the 10 different immersion SAE categories?

What a supervised agricultural experience SAE program is and the benefits of having an SAE?

Supervised agricultural experience (SAE) programs involve practical agricultural activities performed by students outside of scheduled classroom and laboratory time. A. SAEs provide a method in agricultural education for students to receive real-world experience. SAEs can allow students to earn money.

What can you learn from having an SAE?

For younger students, an SAE is often exploratory to increase agricultural literacy and career awareness through job shadowing and other interactive learning activities. One of the primary advantages of an SAE is that students can develop a project or program according to their interests and abilities.

What are 4 ways you can benefit from an SAE project?

Some important purposes and benefits of SAE programs include:

  • Assisting in making career and educational decisions.
  • Providing an opportunity for students to explore various agricultural subjects.
  • Developing self-confidence.
  • Providing educational and agricultural experiences in a specialized area of agriculture.

What are the benefits of having a supervised agricultural experience?

Research supports the belief that SAEs are regarded as beneficial to students, and that SAEs help make agricultural education vocational. Agricultural knowledge andpositive work attitudes are among the benefits students gain from SAEs.

What criteria must be met to qualify as an SAE?

Provide Proof of Graduation in the form of a standard high school diploma, GED completion certificate, state high school equivalency certificate or high school transcript. Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen; or provide proof of appropriate student visa. Be at least 17 years old.

Why is it important to keep SAE records?

Keeping accurate records of your supervised agricultural experience program is one of the most important life skills learned in the entire SAE experience. Good records are valuable to assist in determining if the enterprise is profitable and worth the time spent on it.

What are record keeping skills?

By keeping records, we learn to plan and organize our work, evaluate growth, understand financial needs, improve written communication skills, pay attention to details and deadlines, make decisions and set priorities.

What is AET and what is it used for?

In 2007, The AET was born from colleagues/friends that shared a common interest (Roger Hanagriff, Clay Ewell and Tim Murphy), which is to develop a system to help education students using standard business practices, track the diversity of SAE projects that exists, help teachers supervise SAEs, coordinate teachers and …

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