
What is the purpose of Ozymandias?

What is the purpose of Ozymandias?

The major theme behind “Ozymandias” is that all power is temporary, no matter how prideful or tyrannical a ruler is. Ramesses II was one of the ancient world’s most powerful rulers.

How does the structure of Ozymandias affect the overall meaning and emotional impact of the poem?

It resonates with and expresses her mind and heart. How does the structure of “Ozymandias” affect the overall meaning and emotional impact of the poem? He uses the word despair in Ozymandias’s boasting to his enemies. However the same despair could now be used to describe Ozymandias’s degraded state.

Why is Ozymandias told by a Traveller?

Framing the sonnet as a story told to the speaker by “a traveller from an antique land” enables Shelley to add another level of obscurity to Ozymandias’s position with regard to the reader—rather than seeing the statue with our own eyes, so to speak, we hear about it from someone who heard about it from someone who has …

What poetic devices are used in Ozymandias?

The poem uses the figures of speech of synecdoche and oxymoron; the poetic devices of alliteration, enjambment, caesura, imagery, and symbolism; and the dramatic device of irony in contrasting Ozymandias’s excessive pride with the reality of his statue’s ruin.

What is the mood of Ozymandias poem?

Tone: The poem Ozymandias has a rather ironic tone. He mocks the “King of Kings” and how what was once great is now in shambles. The tone really contributes to the irony of the entire poem.

What does the word mocked mean in Ozymandias?

The word ‘them’ in both cases refer to the expression of the face of the king Ozymandias. The expression ‘The hand that mocked them’ means the hand of the sculptor. The meaning of the word ‘mock’ here means imitate, in other words, ‘model’. That is the hand of the sculptor that moulded the facial expression.

What means mocked?

transitive verb. 1 : to treat with contempt or ridicule : deride he has been mocked as a mama’s boy— C. P. Pierce.

What does two vast and trunkless legs mean?

He tells the speaker about a pair of stone legs that are somehow still standing in the middle of the desert. Those legs are huge (“vast”) and “trunkless.” “Trunkless” means “without a torso,” so it’s a pair of legs with no body.

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