What is the purpose of the stack pointer?

What is the purpose of the stack pointer?

Stack pointer holds the address of the last accupied memory location of the stack called stack pointer. It is used to save the contents of register if it is required during the execution of a program. It indicates which memory location onward the stack is vacent for further storage.

What is stack explain its function?

Stack. Generally speaking, the Stack is a memory region within the program/process. This part of the memory gets allocated when a process is created. We use Stack for storing temporary data such as local variables of some function, environment variables which helps us to transition between the functions, etc.

Which instructions affect stack pointer?

Operation which typically affect the stack are:

  1. subroutine calls and returns.
  2. interrupt calls and returns.
  3. code explicitly pushing and popping entries.
  4. direct manipulation of the SP register.

When an object is pushed onto the stack using push instruction the stack pointer is?

When you PUT something ONTO the stack (PUSH onto the stack), the SP is decremented before the item is placed on the stack. When you take something OFF of the stack (PULL from the stack), the SP is incremented after the item is pulled from the stack.

What is ADT stack?

A stack is an Abstract Data Type (ADT), commonly used in most programming languages. Likewise, Stack ADT allows all data operations at one end only. At any given time, we can only access the top element of a stack. This feature makes it LIFO data structure.

Which signal is used to write memory?

Now the processor asserts the data strobe signal. This signals to the memory that the processor has valid data for the memory write operation. The memory subsystem decodes the address and writes the data into the addressed memory location.

What is CPU known as?

The computer’s central processing unit (CPU) is the portion of a computer that retrieves and executes instructions. The CPU is essentially the brain of a CAD system. It consists of an arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), a control unit, and various registers. The CPU is often simply referred to as the processor.

Which company PC is best?

  • Best PC: Dell XPS Desktop Special Edition.
  • Best gaming PC: Alienware Aurora Ryzen Edition R10.
  • Best all-in-one PC: iMac (24-inch, 2021)
  • Best budget gaming PC: Dell G5 Gaming Desktop.
  • Best budget mini PC: Lenovo Ideacentre Mini 5i.
  • Best mini PC: Intel Ghost Canyon NUC.
  • Best mid-range gaming PC: Lenovo Legion Tower 5i.

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