What is the relation between current and intensity?

What is the relation between current and intensity?

This current is the number of electrons being emitted per second. That is directly proportional to the intensity of the light. So greater intensity means more photons striking the surface and hence an increase in the emitted electrons. The frequency of the light tells is about the energy of the photon.

Why intensity is proportional to square of amplitude?

In fact, a wave’s energy is directly proportional to its amplitude squared because W ∝ Fx = kx2. The definition of intensity is valid for any energy in transit, including that carried by waves. The SI unit for intensity is watts per square meter (W/m2).

Is loudness directly proportional to amplitude?

Loudness of sound is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude. When amplitude is doubled, loudness becomes 4 times.

Is intensity of light proportional to frequency?

2 Answers. Yes, the intensity depends, in part, on the frequency. If the only thing one changes is the frequency of the photons, then doubling the frequency will double the intensity. Alternately, doubling only the emission rate, or focusing the photons to hit half the area will also double the intensity.

Is Frequency an intensity?

Frequency: refers to the frequency of exercise undertaken or how often you exercise. Intensity: refers to the intensity of exercise undertaken or how hard you exercise.

What is intensity frequency?

Frequency is perceived by humans as pitch; The sound intensity is the amplitude; Humans can only hear a specific range of sound, usually from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz; The factors that go into a sound are its intensity, frequency and overtones (which are like interference, or background noises).

What is the difference between frequency and intensity in sports training?

Frequency measures how often you complete your workouts and intensity measures how hard your body is working during each of those training sessions.

What is the relationship between frequency and intensity of a color light?

Answer: As the frequency is increased, the perceived color gradually changes from red to orange to yellow to green to blue to violet. The eye doesn’t perceive violet so well. It always seems to look dark compared to other sources at equal intensity.

Which light has highest frequency?

Gamma rays

What nail color do guys find most attractive?

  1. 1 Ruby Red. I have had men tell me multiple times that the best color on all women is bright ruby red.
  2. 2 Coral. Coral has been declared by many fashion experts as the go-to color for spring and summer.
  3. 3 Emerald.
  4. 4 Ballet Slipper Pink.
  5. 5 Lavender.
  6. 6 Crimson.
  7. 7 Magenta.
  8. 8 Nude.

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