What is the responsible conduct of research?

What is the responsible conduct of research?

Responsible conduct of research (RCR) is defined as “the practice of scientific investigation with integrity.” It involves the awareness and application of established professional norms and ethical principles in the performance of all activities related to scientific research.

Which of the following describes the goals of a literature review?

To determine what exists in the scholarly literature. To identify possible gap(s) in the scholarly literature for further research. To inform the research topic, theory (if applicable), and associated methodology. To compare/contrast against findings resulting from the current study.

What are the three main goals of data lifecycle management DLM?

Three main goals of lifecycle management of data include availability, confidentiality, and integrity, which are essential in information systems management.

What is the main function of a technology transfer office with respect?

Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) manage and protect the intellectual property of a scientific organization such as a university or research organization. The TTOs facilitate commercialization of intellectual property gathered by research-based results through licensing, patenting or management of spin-off creations.

What is the main function of the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 as it relates to academic institutions quizlet?

What is the main function of the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 as it relates to academic institutions? Your answer : It protects the confidentiality of research results. Correct Answer : It allows institutions to have control over the intellectual property from federally-funded research.

Which statement best describes the role of an IRB?

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Which statement best describes the role of an IRB: a committee that reviews different types of human subjects research.
The three ethical principles discussed in the Belmont Report are: Respect for Persons, Beneficence, Justice.

Which of the following is true regarding the traditional peer review?

The true statement regarding the traditional peer review process is “Under single-blind review, the identity of the author is revealed to the reviewer”.

Which of the following is the primary criterion for authorship quizlet?

Which of the following is the primary criterion for authorship? Having made a significant intellectual contribution to the work.

What does the federal provision for incidental uses and disclosures mean quizlet?

HIPAA’s “incidental uses and disclosures” provision excuses deviations from the minimum necessary standard. HIPAA allows health care organizations to control many information decisions.

What does Hipaa’s minimum necessary and related standards require of healthcare workers quizlet?

What does HIPAA’s “minimum necessary” and related standards require of healthcare workers? Use or disclose only the minimum necessary amount of health information to accomplish a task. The rules about who can access health information, and under what circumstances.

What kinds of persons and organizations are affected by Hipaa’s requirements quizlet?

What kinds of persons and organizations are affected by HIPAA’s requirements? Healthcare providers, health plans, and health information clearinghouses, as well as their business associates and by extension the workers for those organizations.

When a patient enters a clinical facility they must inevitably surrender?

When a patient enters a clinical facility, they must inevitably surrender control of their information for a broad range of uses and disclosures.

Which of the following is a good practice if one wishes to avoid social engineering attacks quizlet?

Which of the following is a good practice if one wishes to avoid “social engineering” attacks? – Taking appropriate steps to confirm a person’s (or site’s) identity for any transaction that involves sensitive data.

Which of the following are the three principles discussed in the Belmont Report?

Which of the following are the three principles discussed in the Belmont Report? Respect for Persons, Beneficence, Justice. The Belmont Report indicates that it is necessary to rigorously avoid conflicts of interest.

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