What is the role of flag in microprocessor?

What is the role of flag in microprocessor?

The FLAGS register is the status register in Intel x86 microprocessors that contains the current state of the processor. Its successors, the EFLAGS and RFLAGS registers, are 32 bits and 64 bits wide, respectively. The wider registers retain compatibility with their smaller predecessors.

What is importance of flag register?

The purposes of the FLAG registers are to indicate the various statuses of the processor. It is done by setting the individual bits called flags. There are two kinds of FLAGS; Status FLAG and Control FLAG. Status FLAG reflect the result of an operation executed by the processor.

What is the importance of flags in 8085?

The Flag register is a Special Purpose Register. Depending upon the value of result after any arithmetic and logical operation the flag bits become set (1) or reset (0). In 8085 microprocessor, flag register consists of 8 bits and only 5 of them are useful.

Why do we need flags in microcontroller?

This flag is set whenever the result of a signed number operation is too large causing the high order bit to overflow into the sign bit. the carry flag is used to detect error in unsigned arithmetic operations. the overflow flag is only used to detect error in signed arithmetic operations.

What are the type of flags?

Flags of various forms and purpose are known as colours, standards, banners, ensigns, pendants (or pennants), pennons, guidons, and burgees.

How many flags are there in microcontroller?

Four of the flags are called conditional flags, which means that they indicate a condition which results after an instruction is executed. These four are CY (Carry), AC (auxiliary carry), P (parity), and OV (overflow)….8051 Flag Bits and PSW Register.

CY PSW.7 Carry Flag
PSW.1 User definable FLAG

What are the flags in 8086?

There are 3 control flags in 8086 microprocessor and these are:

  • Directional Flag (D) – This flag is specifically used in string instructions.
  • Interrupt Flag (I) – This flag is for interrupts.
  • Trap Flag (T) – This flag is used for on-chip debugging.

What are the features of 8086?


  • Single +5V power supply.
  • Clock speed range of 5-10MHz.
  • capable of executing about 0.33 MIPS (Millions instructions per second)
  • It is 16-bit processor having 16-bit ALU, 16-bit registers, internal data bus, and 16-bit external data bus resulting in faster processing.

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