What is the role of green movement?

What is the role of green movement?

The role of the green movement is to practise sustainable development, for the welfare of the earth as a whole, and to protect the available resources for the future generations.

Who started Green movement in India?

sage Sombaji

What is meant by green movement?

A popular movement urging production and use of environmentally harmless consumer goods. Green politicians would curb economic and population growth and protect the natural environment.

What is green movement and what are its aims?

The green movement is a diverse scientific, social, conservation and political movement that is broadly adresses the concern of environmentalism. It aims at creating a holistic and ecological view of the world. it makes the people conscious of stopping further degradation and deterioration of nature and its resources.

What is significance of green movement in modern world?

What is the significance of Green Movement in the modern world? Answer: The Green Movement was founded in 1972 in New Zealand and brought great awareness to humanity about preserving our planet for the future. It taught us that we are only partners, having equal rights as any other organism to live on Earth.

Where was green movement started?

New Zealand

Why did the green movement start?

When the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was created in December 1970, it was in response to the growing need to protect the environment. The Green Movement is founded upon the principles of a safe, healthy surrounding. Today, climate change is the most talked about environmental issues.

When was green movement started what is its aim?

started in 1960s nad with aim of to increase crop yields in developing countries by introducing higher-yielding strains of plant and new fertilizers. it was started in 1964, also including conservation and green politics, is a diverse scientific, social, and political movement for addressing environmental issues.

When did green movement start?


How does the author point out the importance of green movement?

Answer: The author points out the importance of the Green Movement by comparing it to the revolutionary ideas of Copernicus. He had taught mankind in the 16th century that the earth and the other planets revolved round the sun.

What shift in human perception has been seen as a result of green movement?

The Green Movement has caused a shift in human perception of the world around them from a utilitarian object to a living organism. It has raised awareness about our moral obligations to be responsible and dutiful towards preserving the legacy for future generations.

Why is Earth called the ailing planet?

Due to the insensitive exploitation by humans for their survival and development, the earth has lost almost all its vital/important resources. With drying rivers, depleting and polluted environment and deteriorating forests and greenery, the earth is now breathing hard for its survival and thus it is an ailing planet.

What is ignominious darkness?

ignominious darkness – disgraced or dishonoured as nobody has knowledge about them or is enlightened about them. inter alia – among other things. decimated – to reduce drastically in number. catastrophic depletion – a disastrous and harmful reduction in the number of something.

What is the ailing planet?

The lesson, ‘The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role’ focuses on the deteriorating health of the Earth because of human being’s growing lust to exploit all its natural resources. A Zoo in Lusaka, Zambia calls the man as the most dangerous animal in this world.

How is the Earth and ailing planet?

The earth has become an ailing planet because of of the unsustainable and indiscriminate use of its resources,excessive fishing,large scale deforestation,conversion of grasslands to barren lands and indiscriminate cultivation which has led to croplands losing their nutrient content.

Why is the earth like a patient in poor health?

Earth is like a “patient in declining health”. The depletion of forests, grasslands, fisheries and croplands are the result of excessive demand for resources. Over-population has led to a severe strain on the health of our planet. We must realize that the earth belongs as much to the future generation as much to us.

Why is your age the era of responsibility Class 11?

Answer. Answer: Our age is the age of science and technology. We should be responsible towards the environment and we should ensure that we are not destroying the ecological balance of the Nature by making advanced technologies and so on.

What do you understand by era of responsibility?

chapter – the ailing planet ;the green movement. The Era of Responsibility is that emerging new world vision whereby the concern is not just for the survival of the people but also the planet. It takes a holistic view of the very basis of human existence.

What is the transcending concern seen in this new era of responsibility?

transcending concern – a concern that surpasses generation, boundaries. It is not only about the present but also about future; not only about people but also about the planet.

What is the role of industry in the new era of responsibility?

Role of industry in the new era of responsibility: Industry is the main source of environmental pollution. In the new era of responsibility, the industrialists must become conscious of their responsibility towards environment. They should remain environmental friendly even when they exist as leading manufacturers.

What role can industry play in this era of responsibility?

It is well known that industries are a main source of causing environmental pollution. There will be a great change in the preservation of environment if the industrialists become conscious-of their responsibilities and become environment friendly.

How has the writer defined the idea of sustainable growth?

Answer: Sustainable development can be defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Who has the most crucial role to play in this new era of responsibility?

Industry had a crucial role to play in the new Era of Responsibility because as manufacturers and major resource users, only those in industries could bring about a transformation. Environmental performance should be given top priority and that would be the most ecologically sound way to continue operations.

Why is your age the era of responsibility?

Answer. Our age is the age of science and technology. We should be responsible towards the environment and we should ensure that we are not destroying the ecological balance of the Nature by making advanced technologies and so on. “With great powers come great responsibility” said in Spiderman.

How has the green movement affected the imagination of the whole world?

The Green Movement aims at creating a holistic and ecological view of the world. The world’s first nationwide Green Party was founded in New Zealand. Since then the Green Movement has captured the imagination of millions.

What steps has the Indian government taken to ensure the protection of the environment what is the impact?

Explanation: The steps include, The ” Indian Wildlife Act ” was initiated by the government in 1972 for wildlife protection. This act banned ” hunting and poaching ” of animals providing legal protection to wildlife. Many wildlife sanctuaries was established by central and state governments.

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