What is the role of stack in calling a subroutine and returning from the routine?

What is the role of stack in calling a subroutine and returning from the routine?

When a subroutine is called, program control is transferred from the main program to the subroutine. When the subroutine finishes executing, control is returned to the main program. The stack provides the means of connecting the subroutines to the main program.

What is the role of stack in function call in C?

The function call stack (often referred to just as the call stack or the stack) is responsible for maintaining the local variables and parameters during function execution. Why local variables that are not initialized might have any value contained in them.

Which instruction is used for returning from subroutine?

4.2 Register usage in subroutine calls You use branch instructions to call and return from subroutines. The Procedure Call Standard for the ARM Architecture defines how to use registers in subroutine calls. A subroutine is a block of code that performs a task based on some arguments and optionally returns a result.

What is a subroutine used for?

In computer programming, a subroutine is a sequence of program instructions that performs a specific task, packaged as a unit. This unit can then be used in programs wherever that particular task should be performed.

What is another term for subroutine?

Subroutine Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for subroutine?

procedure function
sub algorithm
process system
set of rules

How does a subroutine return a value?

A subroutine does not have to return a value, but when it does, it sends back the value with the RETURN instruction. The calling program receives the value in the REXX special variable named RESULT. A function must return a value.

When a function calls itself again and again is called?

A function is called a recursive function if it calls itself again and again . Recursion can be direct as well as indirect.

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