What is the significance of the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties?
The Abbasids overthrew the Umayyad dynasty in 750 CE, supporting the mawali, or non-Arab Muslims, by moving the capital to Baghdad in 762 CE. The Persian bureaucracy slowly replaced the old Arab aristocracy as the Abbasids established the new positions of vizier and emir to delegate their central authority.
What was the impact of the Abbasid rule after the overthrow of the Umayyad dynasty?
How was the Abbasid Caliphate important?
The Abbasid caliphs established the city of Baghdad in 762 CE. It became a center of learning and the hub of what is known as the Golden Age of Islam.
Why did the Umayyad Caliphate fall?
Military Defeat, Financial Crisis, and Revolts Sam Abboud—FPG An unclear line of succession plagued the Umayyad dynasty throughout its reign, and civil unrest and tribal warfare often surrounded the naming of new caliphs. This well-intended attempt to place all Muslims on the same footing led to financial crisis.
How did the Abbasids come to come?
Coming to power three decades after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad and immediately after the Rashidun Caliphate, the Umayyads were an Arab empire ruling over a population which was overwhelmingly non-Arab. The Abbasid family claimed to have descended from al-Abbas, an uncle of the Prophet.
Did the Abbasids force conversion to Islam?
Although these troops were converted to Islam, the base of imperial unity through religion was gone, and some of the new army officers quickly learned to control the caliphate through assassination of any caliph who would not accede to their demands.
How did the Abbasids maintain power?
After over one hundred years of rapid growth, the Islamic caliphates ruled by the Umayyad Dynasty (661-750) and the Abbasid Dynasty (750-1258) consolidated and maintained Muslim power by organizing their governments and creating long-lasting political institutions.
Why did Umayyad not force their subjects to convert?
The Umayyads did not actively encourage conversion, and most subjects remained non-Muslim. Because non-Muslim subjects were required to pay a special tax, the Umayyads were able to subsidize their political expansion. These conflicts evolved into major schisms between Sunni, Shia, and Ibadi Islam.
Who is the first man to accept Islam?