What is the smallest pointer dog breed?
small Munsterlander
How much is a short haired German pointer?
Usually, the average price of a German Shorthaired Pointer puppy from a reputable breeder is between $800 and $1,500, while a top-quality German Shorthaired Pointer puppy can cost as high as $3,000 and upward.
How big does a German Shorthaired Pointer get?
Males reach a height of 23–25 inches and a weight of 55–70 pounds, while females clock in at 21–23 inches and 45–60 pounds. GSPs have a large brown nose, floppy ears, and dark, almond-shaped eyes.
Are German shorthaired pointers aggressive?
German shorthaired pointers are not an aggressive breed of dogs. They are very friendly toward strangers. Too much exposure can cause your dog to bark or do some destructive chewing. Now while some of these dogs get along with strange dogs, there are some that can be very aggressive.
How smart is a GSP?
Next to hunting and running, German shorthaired pointers like to be with their family. They are playful and intelligent, and generally are good with other dogs and children. They make fairly good obedience pupils, although at times they are easily distracted by the call of the wild.
Do pointers like to dig?
Pointers can be very destructive when they are bored or don’t get enough exercise, especially when young. This can result in chewing, digging, and many other negative behaviors that can lead to expensive vet bills and replacement costs.
Why do Pointers sit on you?
The pointer was bred to sustain their energy for hours upon hours of hunting and running around. Pointers are just plain pleasant. They like to do what you like to do. They want to be outside, they want to play, and they want to sit on the couch and cuddle.
Are pointers intelligent?
Pointers are an intelligent dog breed. They are very receptive to obedience training and have natural instincts to point and assist in hunting. Pointers don’t demonstrate general intelligence but excel in obedience related intelligence.