What is the speed of sound in air when the temperature is 20 C 219 m/s 319 m/s 343 m/s 331 m s?

What is the speed of sound in air when the temperature is 20 C 219 m/s 319 m/s 343 m/s 331 m s?

Answer: The speed of sound in air when the temperature is 20°C is 343 m/s. The speed of sound in air is 331 m/s at 0° C, 343 m/s at 20°C and 346 m/s at 25°C. Hence, the speed of sound in air when the temperature is 20°C is 343 m/s.

What is the speed of sound in the air if the temperature is 20 C?

about 343 metres per second

How do you find the speed of sound in air with temperature?

If the temperature is TC = 20 °C (T = 293 K), the speed of sound is v = 343 m/s. The equation for the speed of sound in air v = √γRTM can be simplified to give the equation for the speed of sound in air as a function of absolute temperature: v=√γRTM=√γRTM(273K273K)=√(273K)γRM√T273K≈331m/s√T273K.

What is the speed of sound in air when the temperature is degrees Celsius?

331.3 m/s.

How fast is mach speed?

Classification of Mach regimes

Regime Flight speed
(Mach) (mph)
Transonic 0.8–1.2 609–914
Supersonic 1.2–5.0 915-3,806
Hypersonic 5.0–10.0 3,806–7,680

What is the speed of sound in air when the temperature is 32 OC?

is absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin (which equals degrees Celsius + 273.15). For example, at zero degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit), the speed of sound is calculated to be 1085.1 feet per second.

What is the speed of sound in air on a day when the temperature is 10 C?

Speed of Sound in Air and Relative Humidity

Temperature (°C) Speed of Sound (m/s)
Relative Humidity (%)
5 334.5 334.7
10 337.5 337.7
15 340.5 340.8

On which air temperature does sound travel the fastest?

346 meters per second

What happens to a sound wave as air temperature decreases?

At a lower temperature, particles of the medium are moving more slowly, so it takes them longer to transfer the energy of the sound waves. A: For each 1 degree Celsius that temperature decreases, the speed of sound decreases by 0.6 m/s. So sound travels through dry, -20 °C air at a speed of 319 m/s.

Why does sound travel faster in hot air?

Temperature is another condition that affects the speed of sound. Heat, like sound, is a form of kinetic energy. Molecules at higher temperatures have more energy and can vibrate faster and allow sound waves to travel more quickly.

Why is noise louder at night?

Noises are louder at night because the noise can be heard more clearly at night without other interferring noises . During the day, the sound bends away from the ground , during the night , it bends towards the ground. Hence, at night you have additional “sound” reaching you making it louder.

Do sound waves travel faster in cold air?

Because sound moves faster in warm air than colder air, the wave bends away from the warm air and back toward the ground. That’s why sound is able to travel farther in chilly weather.

Why do sound Cannot travel in vacuum?

Sound does not travel at all in space. The vacuum of outer space has essentially zero air. Because sound is just vibrating air, space has no air to vibrate and therefore no sound.

Why can’t astronauts hear each other in space?

When astronauts are out in space, they can whistle, talk, or even yell inside their own spacesuit, but the other astronauts would not hear the noise. Because there is nothing out in space (like an atmosphere), the sound waves from one astronaut’s whistling can’t travel over to the other astronaut’s ears.

How can you show that sound Cannot travel in vacuum?

When all the air is removed from the glass jar, no sound can be heard at all. Thus, when the vaccum is created in the glass jar then the sound of ringing bell placed inside it cannot be heard. This show sound can’t be travel through vaccum..

Why sound Cannot travel through vacuum explain with diagram?

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum. A vacuum is an area without any air, like space. So sound cannot travel through space because there is no matter for the vibrations to work on it.

Does light travel faster in a vacuum?

Light travels at approximately 300,000 kilometers per second in a vacuum, which has a refractive index of 1.0, but it slows down to 225,000 kilometers per second in water (refractive index of 1.3; see Figure 2) and 200,000 kilometers per second in glass (refractive index of 1.5).

How fast does light travel in a vacuum?

670,616,629 miles per hour

How fast is 20% the speed of light?

100 million miles per hour

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