What is the structure of Europa and Ganymede?

What is the structure of Europa and Ganymede?

Io has a core, and a mantle of at least partially molten rock, topped by a crust of solid rock coated with sulfur compounds. Europa and Ganymede both have a core; a rock envelope around the core; a thick, soft ice layer; and a thin crust of impure water ice.

What is the surface of Ganymede like?

Ganymede’s surface is a mixture of two types of terrain. The dark regions on Ganymede are old and rough, and the dark cratered terrain is believed to be the original crust of the satellite. Lighter regions are young and smooth (unlike Earth’s Moon). The largest area on Ganymede is called Galileo Regio.

Why does Ganymede have liquid water?

Scientists have long suspected that there was an ocean of liquid water on Ganymede — the largest moon in the solar system, at about 3,273 miles (5,268 kilometers) across — has an ocean of liquid water beneath its surface. When Jupiter’s magnetic field changes, so does Ganymede’s.

Why do scientists hypothesize that Ganymede’s interior may have been heated within the past billion years?

— The source of Jupiter’s excess energy is the slow escape of gravitational energy released during the planet’s formation. As the planet took shape, some of its gravitational energy was converted into heat in its interior.

Does your head explode in space?

Humans don’t explode in space. According to Richard Harding’s book “Survival in Space,” the blood vessels can withstand the internal pressure without exploding. Humans do die if left in outer space without a space suit. But they die for the same reason as people who are left too long underwater: lack of oxygen.

Do your eyes pop out in space?

NASA makes it clear that your body wouldn’t explode and your eyes wouldn’t pop out of your head like many science fiction movies suggest. However, you would swell up and get really painfully puffy. Even while you’re floating there unconscious and puffy, your troubles aren’t over.

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