What is the term for the marginal or in between phase of a rite of passage?

What is the term for the marginal or in between phase of a rite of passage?

What is the term for the marginal or in-between phase of a rite of passage? liminality.

What is the term that anthropologists use to identify ego’s socially recognized father?

genitor. What is the term that anthropologists use to identify ego’s socially recognized father? pater.

What is multi sited?

: involving, occurring at, or having more than one site or location a multisite clinical trial multisite collaboration Unfortunately, the report excludes 38% of workers who work at multisite businesses (such as Starbucks or Target). —

What is multi sited ethnography quizlet?

Multi-sited ethnography. the investigation and documentation of peoples and cultures embedded in the larger structures of a globalizing world, utilizing a range of methods in various locations of time and space. -the go to multiple locations.

What is the dialectic of fieldwork?

dialectic of fieldwork. The process of building understanding between an anthropologist and informant(s) so that each can begin to understand the other. inter-subjective meaning. The shared, public symbolic systems of a culture.

What is an ethnography quizlet?

Ethnography. A branch of anthropology dealing with origins, development, characteristics of humankind, including such factors as: kinship groups, social customs, beliefs, religion, and cultural development. Key Elements. In-depth examination of a culture or subculture.

What are the goals of ethnography quizlet?

What is the goal of ethnographic research? Describe, analyze, and interpret the culture of a group over time, in terms of the group’s shared beliefs, behaviors, and language.

What is the goal of ethnography rsch?

Ethnography aims to understand social phenomena from the ‘inside’, by observing and participating in social activities, by talking to people in their ‘natural’ settings and in collecting materials (photographs, texts, literature, statistics) that helps us to develop an understanding of the social context in which …

What kind of research are you doing if you observe a group in order to determine its norms values rules and meanings quizlet?

If you observe a group in order to determine its norms, values, rules, and meanings, then what kind of research are you doing? Qualitative research.

What is the benefit of using the Internet to conduct surveys?

Web surveys have a number of advantages over other modes of interview. They are convenient for respondents to take on their own time and at their own pace. The lack of an interviewer means web surveys suffer from less social desirability bias than interviewer-administered modes.

Which is a major limitation of Internet surveys?

Online surveys commonly suffer from two serious methodological limitations: the population to which they are distributed cannot be described, and respondents with biases may select themselves into the sample. Research is of value only when the findings from a sample can be generalized to a meaningful population.

What is a major limitation of Internet surveys quizlet?

(1) Advantages: saves time and money, maintains respondent anonymity, no interviewer or social desirability bias. (2) Disadvantages: low response rate, easy to discontinue the interview, potentially non-representative (consider the type of people who are savvy enough to complete an internet survey).

What are the strengths and weaknesses of surveys?

Key Takeaways

  • Strengths of survey research include its cost effectiveness, generalizability, reliability, and versatility.
  • Weaknesses of survey research include inflexibility and lack of potential depth.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of survey research?

Table 1

Advantages Disadvantages
• Higher response rates • Training to avoid bias
• Allows clarification • No visual aids
• Larger radius than personal • Difficult to develop rapport
• Less expensive or time consuming

What is the important of survey?

Surveys can help gauge the representativeness of individual views and experiences. When done well, surveys provide hard numbers on people’s opinions and behaviors that can be used to make important decisions.

What are the disadvantages of online research?

Disadvantages of online survey research include uncertainty over the validity of the data and sampling issues, and concerns surrounding the design, implementation, and evaluation of an online survey.

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