What is the theme of conflict in two kinds?
The main conflict in the story Two Kinds was the struggle between what the daughter wanted and what her mother wanted for her, based on the background and cultural differences between the two. The mother was an Asian immigrant who aspired to live the American dream through her Asian American daughter.
What is the theme of conflict?
Simply put, thematic conflict is an implied battle of ideas. While pursuing their respective goals, characters (protagonist vs antagonist) can represent opposing philosophies and incompatible worldviews concerning the story’s main theme. As characters clash, so do their philosophies.
How does the development of the characters Jing-Mei and her mother lead to the main conflict of the story?
The conflict between Jing-mei and her mother is over Jing-mei’s piano lessons. Jing-mei does not want to play anymore, but her mother wants her to become a prodigy. She plays along for a while, trying to become some kind of prodigy. It doesn’t take, and Jing-mei gets frustrated.
What does the mother’s gift of the piano reveal about her character at the end of the story?
In Amy Tan’s story “Two Kinds” the mother gives a piano as a gift at the end. This action reveals about her character that she was a mother who apparently pushes her daughter to be successful.
Why do you think the mother had such high expectations for her daughter?
I think the mother has high expectations for her daughter because she knows her daughter has the potential to be amazing. The mother tells the narrator “You pick up fast… You just not trying.” (pg 99). Since her mom knows she can be the best at what she does her expectations match her daughter’s potential.
What’s the theme of two kinds?
The main themes in “Two Kinds” are parental expectations, the American Dream, and identity. Parental expectations: The disconnect between Jing-mei’s desires and her mother’s expectations leads to conflict and resentment
Why did the aunties give Jing-Mei $1200 in an envelope?
Why did “the aunties” give Jing-mei $1200 in an envelope? The aunties gave Jing-Mei $1200 so she could go to meet her sisters in China and inform them of their mother’s death. Jing-mei promises “the aunties” that she will tell her half-sisters in China everything about their mother.
How did an Mei’s mother die?
How did An-mei’s mother die? She poisoned herself. What promise did Wu Tsing make to An-mei’s mother after she died? That he would raise her son and daughter as his honored children.
Who is Jing-Mei’s mother?
What does Jing-Mei’s mother want for her daughter?
What does Jing-mei’s mother want her daughter to be? Jing-mei’s mother wants her to be a prodigy or a young child with an extraordinary talent or ability (p. 132).
What kind of daughter has Jing-Mei become?
This suggests that Jing-mei has become the other “kind of daughter,” one of “those who follow their own mind” (p. 142). As an adult, Jing-mei has become more of the “obedient daughter” (p. 142) that her mother wanted her to be as a child.
How does Jing-Mei’s performance at the talent show contribute to her growth as a character?
Jing-mei’s performance develops her character by demonstrating that she is not a musical prodigy. Jing-mei is going through the “right motions” (p. 140) but the result is a “strange jumble” (p. 139) of sound, rather than the beautiful music she thought she would produce.
Which excerpts from two kinds are examples of internal conflict?
Answer Expert Verified. The excerpts from “Two Kinds” which are examples of internal conflict are: “before going to bed that night, i looked in the mirror above the bathroom sink and when i saw only my face staring back—and that it would always be this ordinary face—i began to cry
What does the title two kinds refer to?
The title “Two Kinds” refers to the statement by Jing-mei’s mother that there are only two kinds of daughters: “Those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind.” At the end of the story, Jing-mei puts the title in a different light when she realizes that the ideas “Pleading Child” and “Perfectly Contented” ..
What is the main conflict between June and her mother?
In the story, what causes the main conflict between June and her mother? O A June’s mother wants her to impress their. neighbors, but June wants to keep to herself