What is the theme of the Ramayana story?

What is the theme of the Ramayana story?

The theme of the Ramayana, one of the two great epic poems of India along with the Mahabharata, is the importance of dharma, or doing one’s duty. The hero of the story, Rama, the prince of Aydohya, follows his dharma at all stages of his life. When he is young, he obeys his father, who wants his stepson to become king.

What is the conflict of the story Ramayana?

The main conflict of the Ramayana is that while on Rama’s fourteen year exile with Lakshmana and Sita, Sita gets kidnapped by the demon king Ravana. Ravana keeps Sita in his palace for months and while the battle between Rama and Ravana lasted about five days, Rama spent the past year of this time building up an army.

What is the setting of the story Ramayana?

The story Ramayana is set in India many centuries ago. However, here are the places in the story Ramayana: Ayodhya: Capital city of Kosala where Rama’s father, Dashratha rules.

What is the end of Ramayana?

After great battles and acts of heroism, the siege was completed and Ravana defeated. Sita was rescued. Many versions of the Ramayana end thus with return of Sita and Rama to their kingdom after fourteen years of exile, and the commencement of Ram Rajya, the glorious time of the rule of Ram.

How did Sita Devi died?

Sita, who could not take this doubt, jumped into the fire. And because Sita was so pure, the fire did not burn her, and all the gods sang of her purity. But Rama’s first priority was always his praja, his subjects, and hence, he banished her from the kingdom.

How did Sita Ji died?

Exile and abduction The Panchavati forest became the scene for Sita’s abduction by Ravana, King of Lanka. The scene started with Shurpanakha’s love for Rama. However Rama refused her, stating that he was devoted to Sita. This enraged the demoness and she tried to kill Sita.

Did Urmila slept for 14 years?

Urmila Did Not Sleep for 14 Years As Nidra Devi went and explained the whole matter to Urmila, she happily agreed. Thus, it is said that Urmila kept sleeping for the entire period Lakshman was in exile.

At what age Rama died?

So by the time Rama killed Ravana, he would be at 42 years old. Though Rama ruled the kingdom for 11 thousand years, the first 42 years of his life was full of miseries and adventures.

When did SITA get pregnant?

Sita became pregnant when Ram was of ~39 years of age.

Was Sita a virgin?

Some say that she lived a life of celibacy and penance. Ahalya is cursed to become a stone and regains her human form after she is brushed by Rama’s foot; and promptly resumed a conjugal life with Gautam.

Who made Sita pregnant?

Shri Ram & Devi Sita were believed to be 39 & 32(approx.) at that time. Soon, within a few weeks, Devi Sita was pregnant with Luv & Kush. Gladdened, Shri Ram asked Devi Sita to wish for whatever she had in mind and she expressed to visit the hermitages near the shores of Ganga.

Why did Ravana not touch Sita?

Why he couldn’t touch Sita? Ravana couldn’t attempt to rape her because he had got a curse in the past when he raped a celestial damsel. Despite several persuasions and proposals, Sita didn’t agree, hence he couldn’t touch her fearing his own death due to the curse he had.

Did Ravana touch Sita kidnapping?

Devotees could not bear that Sita – the consort of Rama and the chief goddess of Rama-centric sects – was kidnapped by the demon Ravana and had to suffer his imprisonment and was defiled by his touch.

Is Sita elder than RAM?

As per Valmiki Ramayana: Sita was around 16 years of age at the time of her Marriage with Lord Rama. She spends Two years in Ayodhya before accompanying Rama for 14 years of exile. According to Valmiki Ramayan, Sitavtar happened years after Ramavtar, hence Shri Ram was older to her, by seven years(approx.)

How did Ravana get 10 heads?

His ten heads were Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Moha (delusion), Lobha (greed), Mada (pride), Maatsyasya (envy), Manas (mind), Buddhi (intellect), Chitta (will) and Ahamkara ( the ego) – all these constitute the ten heads. And so Ravana had all these ten qualities.

Did Ravana actually have 10 heads?

Experts who study Hindu shastras say, Ravana used to create the illusion of ten heads. In reality, he was single-headed, but in acts of deception, he used to fool his enemies by creating an illusion of having ten heads.

Why is Ravana considered evil?

The Making Of Ravana: From A Devout Brahmin Shiv Bhakt To The Symbol Of Evil, Kidnapper Of Sita. In Ramayana, Ravana is the antagonist, the tyrant who bullied the Gods, and kidnapped Sita. This was his act of vengeance against Rama and Lakshman for cutting off the nose of his sister, Surpanakha.

Why did Ravana cut his head?

One legend says that Ravana, who was a formidable devotee of Shiva, was in meditation to please the god by the bank of river Narmada. To show his devotion to the god, he cut his head as an offering to the shivlinga. Pleased with his devotion, Shiva blessed Ravana with ten heads.

Who all defeated Ravana?

Ravana was only defeated by Rama twice in yuddha kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, Vali and sahastraArjuna defeated Ravana in interpolated Uttarakanda. In original 6 kandas of Valmiki Ramayana Ravana is mentioned as being undefeated before he met Rama.

What Boon did Ravana get?

And so, Ravan then asked for invincibility and immunity from all Devta (Gods), raakshas (demons), heavenly spirits, serpents, and wild beasts. He, however, did not include humans in his prayer. Lord Brahma granted this boon to Ravan, leading him to believe that he was now absolutely invincible.

Who is the son of Ravana?


What language did Ravana speak?

The usage of Tamil or Sanskrit by the priests at these Shiva temples implied that Ravana may have been fluent both in Tamil and Sanskrit, though Ramayana was composed in Sankrit. Upon a consideration of Ravana’s association with the sages especially with sage Agasthiyar in addition to his being a musician.

Who can kill Brahma?

Brahma is a four-headed Puranic deity, part of the Hindu trinity, the creator of all living creatures, who is not worshipped, and is constantly beheaded by Shiva for his excessive uncontrollable passion.

Who is most powerful God in the world?

Shiva is also considered as the God of Gods. The existence which represents infinity itself. He is the supreme masculine divinity in this universe and is lord of the three worlds (Vishwanath) and is second to none in wrath and power. Sarvaripati Shiva is one of the most fearsome manifestation of the supreme God.

Who is powerful than Vishnu?

lord Krishna is above them and most powerful. most of the people does not know that lord Krishna is supreme. and lord Vishnu has originated from him not that lord Krishna has originated from Vishnu. God is ONE.

Who is more powerful than tridev?

BRAHMA is known as Creators. The one who says any one of above is greater than other ..he seriously has been mislead by extremists. Santana Dharma never had a one GOD theory. SHIVA is VISHNU is BRAHMA is SHIVA is VISHNU…

Which goddess is most powerful?


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