
What is the tragedy of the commons quizlet?

What is the tragedy of the commons quizlet?

The tragedy of the commons is a situation where there is an overconsumption of a particular product/service because rational individuals decision lead to an outcome that is damaging to overall welfare.

What is the tragedy of the commons give an example?

The original example of the tragedy of the commons had to do with overgrazing cattle on public land. Animal extinction: Overfishing and overhunting are examples of a common pool resource being depleted by individuals acting in their own self-interest.

What are the solutions posed by Hardin in the tragedy of the commons?

His basic solution is that we must abandon the commons system in breeding (as we have already in food production and pollution – instances where we have used privatization and laws to achieve this). People must no longer be free to add unlimited numbers of offspring to the total load on the earth’s ecosystems.

What gives humans a particular advantage over other species in the use of Commons?

The correct answer is option A. A particular advantage that humans have over other species is that they have access to technology. They can use machines, computes, and other technical instruments that makes them different from other species. Other species cannot use technology to make their life easy.

Which sentence best explains the idea of the tragedy of ofthe Commons?

Answer: “Each person overuses air, water, land, and food resources” best explains the ideas of the tragedy of the commons with respect to human population growth. Explanation: In short, human rationality and collective rationality are at odds with each other and inconsistent within the tragedy of the commons.

What happens to shared resources over time?

According to the concept of the tragedy of the commons, shared resources are used by more than one organism. Due to the large consumption of shared resources they start to be fewer and fewer in number and over time if we are not careful they will be depleted.

What resources can be shared on a network?

The most frequently used shared network environment objects are files, data, multimedia and hardware resources like printers, fax machines and scanners.

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