
What is the upside down V symbol?

What is the upside down V symbol?

The upside down V (∧) means AND. The circle with the plus inside (⊕) means XOR or eXclusive OR.

What is the 6 key symbol called?


What are F1 through F12 keys for?

The function keys on a computer keyboard labelled F1 through F12, are keys that have a special function defined by a currently running program or by the operating system.

What is an upside down Caret called?

An upside-down circumflex is called a caron, or a háček. It has an HTML entity in the TADS Latin-2 extension to HTML: &caron and looks like this: ˇ which unfortunately doesn’t display in the same size/proportion as the ^ caret. Or you can use the unicode U+30C .

What is the real name for a hashtag?


What is this sign called in English?

British vs. American English

British English American English
The ” ! ” symbol is called an exclamation mark an exclamation point
The ” ( ) ” symbols are called brackets parentheses
The ” [ ] ” symbols are called square brackets brackets
The position of quotation marks Joy means “happiness”. Joy means “happiness.”

Who first used hashtag?

Chris Messina

Why is it called hashtag?

The word hashtag, used to refer to the symbol (#) in Twitter, is a combination of the word hash from hash mark and the word tag, a way to mark something as belonging to a specific category.

What is the purpose of using a hashtag?

Think of hashtags as a way to connect social media content to a specific topic, event, theme or conversation. They also make it easier to discover posts around those specific topics, because hashtags aggregate all social media content with that same hashtag.

What was a hashtag originally used for?

Pre-Twitter Days In 1988, the first hash symbol was used on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to label groups and topics that were available across the entire network. They were used for grouping similar messages and content to make it easy for users to find the information they were looking for.

Is it a pound sign or hashtag?

The official name of the number sign, the one located at the bottom right hand corner of phone keypads and used to label hashtags on social media, is octothorpe. Also called a hash or a pound sign, the symbol has roots in 14th century Latin.

What do three hashtags mean?

On Twitter, the number sign (#) denotes a hashtag. Three number signs/pound symbols (###), centered directly above the boilerplate or underneath the body copy in a press release, indicating to media that there is no further copy to come.

What was the first hashtag?

Chris Messina, a social technology expert, is credited to have come up with the very first hashtag on Twitter. He first posted the hashtag #barcamp in August 2007.

What is an example of a hashtag?

Such as “Share a Coke with Mom” or “Share a Coke with Michael.” Coca Cola was able to successfully turn this into a hashtag campaign by encouraging drinkers to Tweet their own stories with the hashtag #ShareACoke.

Why do old phones have hashtags?

The star and hash (pound) keys started to appear on telephones at the same time as telephones started to get buttons. When Bell labs were designing push button phones, they added the keys to allow for access to telephone based computer systems, exactly how they’re used today.

What was * 69?

Star 69 refers to “last-call return,” the Calling Feature Vertical service code *69 keyed on a landline telephone set in order to return the call of the last one to ring (in Canada and the United States). Star 69 may also refer to: Star 69 (band), an English rock band (1995–1997)

Category: Uncategorized

What is the upside down V symbol?

What is the upside down V symbol?

The upside down V (∧) means AND. The circle with the plus inside (⊕) means XOR or eXclusive OR.

What is the upside down L in Greek?

Gamma: Γ γ The first one is Uppercase Gamma. It looks like an upside-down L. Lowercase Gamma looks like a lowercase y.

Does V MEAN AND or OR?

The “V” symbols in the reader’s question are ∨ and ∧, which mean “Logical Or” and “Logical And.” The ∧ is a capital Greek Lambda.

What does the upside down V mean in Greek?

That inverted “V” symbol is the Greek letter “L” [Lambda (uppercase Λ, lowercase. λ; Greek: Λάμβδα or Λάμδα, Lamtha)]. The Spartans used the red Greek capital. letter lambda (Λ) displayed on their shields as an identification as the people.

Is lambda a Greek letter?

Lambda (uppercase/lowercase Λ λ) is a letter of the Greek alphabet. It is used to represent the “l” sound in Ancient and Modern Greek. In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 30.

What language has an upside down Y?


Cyrillic letter Latin look-alike Actual pronunciation
Х X /x/ as in Scottish English loch
Ц U, backwards and mirror-flipped L connected /ts/ as in cats
Ч Y, U, numeral 4 /tɕ/ similar to check
Ш W, rotated E, upside down M /ʂ/ similar to shrunk

What is upside down Delta called?

The upside-down capital delta symbol. , also called “nabla” used to denote the gradient and other vector derivatives.

What is a δ?

The lowercase letter δ (or ?) can be used to denote: A change in the value of a variable in calculus. A Functional derivative in Functional calculus. An auxiliary function in calculus, used to rigorously define the limit or continuity of a given function. The Kronecker delta in mathematics.

What does Nabla stand for?

vector differential operator

Is an upside down triangle still a triangle?

Two triangles are considered congruent if their sides and angles are identical. It doesn’t matter if they’re flipped sideways, upside-down or mirror images of each other: they’ll still have the same measurements.

What does a reverse triangle mean?

What does the upside down triangle mean? Inverted triangles were used by the Nazis to classify prisoners during the Second World War. The upside down triangles were used as identifying badges, and were sewn into the uniforms of concentration camp prisoners.

What does an upside down triangle mean in math?

Partial derivative operator

Are all triangles 90 degrees?

A right triangle has one angle equal to 90 degrees. A right triangle can also be an isosceles triangle–which means that it has two sides that are equal. A right isosceles triangle has a 90-degree angle and two 45-degree angles. This is the only right triangle that is an isosceles triangle.

Does 5/12/13 make a right triangle?

The 5 12 13 triangle is an SSS special right triangle with the ratio between its side lengths as 5, 12, and 13. It is a common Pythagorean triple that is worth memorizing to save time when dealing with right triangles. The other common SSS special right triangle is the 3 4 5 triangle.

Can a triangle have 3 right angles?

No, real, triangle can have three right angles. The sum of the angles formed must equal 180° and the sum of the length of two sides must be greater than the length of the third.

How do you find a 90-degree triangle?

How to find the sides of a right triangle

  1. if leg a is the missing side, then transform the equation to the form when a is on one side, and take a square root: a = √(c² – b²)
  2. if leg b is unknown, then. b = √(c² – a²)
  3. for hypotenuse c missing, the formula is. c = √(a² + b²)

What is the shortest side of a right triangle?

In any triangle, the longest side is opposite the largest angle, and the shortest side is opposite the smallest angle. Thus, in a right triangle, the hypotenuse is always the longest side.

What does a obtuse triangle look like?

An obtuse-angled triangle is a triangle in which one of the interior angles measures more than 90° degrees. In an obtuse triangle, if one angle measures more than 90°, then the sum of the remaining two angles is less than 90°. Here, the triangle ABC is an obtuse triangle, as ∠A measures more than 90 degrees.

What is the formula for a 45 45 90 Triangle?

A 45°-45°-90° triangle is a special right triangle that has two 45-degree angles and one 90-degree angle. The side lengths of this triangle are in the ratio of; Side 1: Side 2: Hypotenuse = n: n: n√2 = 1:1: √2. The 45°-45°-90° right triangle is half of a square.

What are the characteristics of a 45 45 90 Triangle?

Triangle Recap

  • A triangle has two 45 degree angles and a right angle.
  • The two legs of a triangle are always equal.
  • The hypotenuse of the triangle is always opposite the right angle.
  • There are two formulas for the lengths of the sides of a triangle:

How do you find a 30-60-90 Triangle?

In any 30-60-90 triangle, you see the following: The shortest leg is across from the 30-degree angle, the length of the hypotenuse is always double the length of the shortest leg, you can find the long leg by multiplying the short leg by the square root of 3.

What is the 30-60-90 Triangle rule?

Tips for Remembering the 30-60-90 Rules Remembering the 30-60-90 triangle rules is a matter of remembering the ratio of 1: √3 : 2, and knowing that the shortest side length is always opposite the shortest angle (30°) and the longest side length is always opposite the largest angle (90°).

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