What is the value of a 1853 half dime?

What is the value of a 1853 half dime?

The 1853 O half dime is worth around $26 in good condition. In very fine condition the value is around $65 and in extremely fine condition the value is around $100. In uncirculated condition the price is around $350 for coins with an MS 60 grade.

What is an old half dime worth?

An 1856 Seated Half Dime in good condition may trade for about $10 per coin. An 1853-O edition with no arrows may trade for almost $1500 per coin.

What is a 1850 half dime worth?

Steps Leading to Value:

Seated Half Dime Value 1837-1873
Condition of Coin
1841 $13 $20
1841 O $46 $60
1850 $13 $20

Are half dimes rare?

Demand from collectors today has identified how truly scarce any half dime minted 1794 to 1837 is. Low production, low number available, and solid value. Seated design series, 1837 to 1873 were struck in far greater numbers, mintages topping one million in some years.

What is the most expensive half dime?

However, the most elusive coin is the 1870-S half dime. This is a unique issue, with the one and only specimen known specimen turning up in 1978 and selling two years later for $425,000 in a private transaction. The coin is now estimated to have a value of around $1.5 million to $2 million.

How much is a 1854 half dime worth?

The 1854 half dime with no mint mark is worth around $25 in good condition. In very fine condition the value is around $35. In extremely fine condition the value is around $65. In uncirculated condition the price is around $200 for coins with an MS 60 grade.

When did they stop making half dimes?

The half dime was around until 1873 when it was abolished by the Coinage Act of 1873.

What is a 1841 half dime worth?

Value: As a rough estimate of this coins value you can assume this coin in average condition will be valued at somewhere around $15.00, while one in certified mint state (MS+) condition could bring as much as $850 at auction. This price does not reference any standard coin grading scale.

What is a 1943 half dime worth?

Minimum 1943 dime value is $1.94 for a coin in “good” condition through “extremely fine” condition. Most of these silver dimes, if they show worn surfaces, are priced at the value of their silver content.

What dime is worth a million dollars?

The 1894-S Barber dime is a dime produced in the United States Barber coinage. It is one of the rarest and most highly prized United States coins for collectors, along with the 1804 dollar and the 1913 Liberty Head nickel. One was sold in 2005 for $1.3 million, and another for $1.9 million in 2007.

What are the most valuable US dimes?

These are the 20 most valuable dimes, and they are worth a combined $6.1 million.

  • 1872 CC Seated Liberty Dime.
  • 1805 4 Berries Draped Bust Dime.
  • 1916 D Full Band Mercury Dime.
  • 1798 Small 8 Draped Bust Dime.
  • 1871 CC Seated Liberty Dime.
  • 1975 No S Roosevelt Dime Proof.
  • 1873 CC No Arrows Seated Liberty Dime.
  • 1894 S Barber Dime.

What year dimes are worth the most money?

Most Roosevelt dimes from the 1946–1964 period are very common. Thus they are worth only their precious metal value if worn. In general, well-circulated Roosevelt dimes made before 1965 are worth between $1.25 and $2. Lightly worn examples of scarcer issues are worth significantly more.

What year is the most valuable dimes?

Tthe Carson City Seated Liberty dimes struck from 1871 through 1874 are exceedingly rare. All are at least four-figure coins in the grade of Good-4. The most valuable of these dimes is the 1873-CC, which saw a mintage of 12,400 pieces and offers collectors just one known survivor today.

Is a 1969 dime worth anything?

CoinTrackers.com has estimated the 1969 Roosevelt Dime value at an average of 10 cents, one in certified mint state (MS+) could be worth $6.

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