
What is the word to in French?

What is the word to in French?

The French translation for “to” is à.

Is Oui a French word?

oui = yes. Oui is the basic, standard French word for “yes”: Oui, j’aime les fraises.

How do you say it is 12 45 in French?

The French translation for “quarter to one (12:45)” is une heure moins le quart.

What is Enchante?

The word enchanté in French means enchanted, delighted, overjoyed, smitten, or bewitched. In English, the word “enchant” means to influence by charms and incantation, to bewitch, attract, move deeply, or rouse to ecstatic admiration.

What is the French word for bungalow?

a bungalow [example] une maison de plain-pied [ex.]

What does Ajante mean?

Ajante (, English: Unknowingly) is a Bangladeshi film released in 1996, directed by Bengali director Dilip Biwas. The screenplay is written by Komol Sarkar based on family drama.

What does all shaunte mean in French?

Ashante. It’s French word “nice meeting you”, enchanté

Can you say Enchante to a man?

yes, they would, as “enchanté !” is more or less short for “je suis enchanté de faire votre connaissance” so a woman would say “enchantée”, and a man “enchanté” !

What does Shantay mean in French?

Shantay. as a name for girls has its roots in Old French and Hindi, and the meaning of the name Shantay is “stone; peaceful”. Shantay is an alternate spelling of Chantal (Old French): from “cantal”.

What does Herses mean?

She done already done had herses

What does Kiki mean in drag?

Because drag lingo mixes so many subcultures, it can be hard to parse which terms came from where. “Reading,” for example, can be traced back to African American women in the 1950s; “kiki,” an onomatopoeia for laughter, specifically comes from the queer black and Latinx community.

What does Au Shan Te mean?

delighted, how do you do, nice to meet you.

What are some basic French words?

Learn Some Common French Words

  • Bonjour = Hello, Good morning.
  • Au revoir = Goodbye.
  • Oui = Yes.
  • Non = No.
  • Merci = Thank you.
  • Merci beaucoup = Thank you very much.
  • Fille = Girl.
  • Garçon = Boy.

What are the letters of the French alphabet?

The French alphabet is based on the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, uppercase and lowercase, with five diacritics and two orthographic ligatures. The letters ⟨w⟩ and ⟨k⟩ are rarely used except in loanwords and regional words.

Is French hard to learn?

But fear not! Because as this post is going to explain, French is actually one of the easiest European languages to learn. In many ways, it’s even easier than learning English! And as French is a world language, spoken by over 220 million people, learning French can give you access to a huge chunk of the world.

What are the names of the French accents?

French accents

  • L’accent aigu (é)
  • L’accent grave (à, è, ù)
  • L’accent circonflexe or “chapeau” (â, ê, î, ô, û)
  • La cédille (ç)
  • Le tréma (ë, ï, ü)

Why does French sound so good?

Euphony, a rule of harmony. Another reason why people find FRench language charming is the intonation. French language has an ardent dedication to “euphony” or the quality of sounding harmonious. There are rules to make sure that French always sounds like a song or an old fashioned drama.

Why do French pronounce r?

4 – French R Vs Spanish R The French R sound is produced at the back of the mouth, where you’ll pronounce the G of “get” in English. In France, the French R is never the Spanish rolled R, nor is it the very guttural Spanish J as in Jesus. The sound really comes from the upper throat, not the lower throat.

How do you r in French?

The French R is pronounced in the throat, in the same place where you say G as in “get.” The difference is that the French R is fricative, meaning that you must not close your throat completely, but rather press the back of your tongue against it while pushing air through (much like you press the tip of your tongue …

What do you know about French Revolution?

The French Revolution was a period of major social upheaval that began in 1787 and ended in 1799. It sought to completely change the relationship between the rulers and those they governed and to redefine the nature of political power.

Is French beautiful?

If there is a language which draws a unanimous worldwide consent regarding its beauty, it is French. According to several informal online surveys, there seems to be a general infatuation for spoken French all over the world. French has been described as smooth, flowing, elegant and aesthetically pleasing.

What is the line above a letter called in French?

The circumflex, called accent circonflexe, has three primary functions in French: It affects the pronunciation of a, e, and o. Although it is used on i and u as well, it does not affect their pronunciation.

What does E mean in French?

“È” is a letter. The letter E with a grave accent. In French, it always represents a [ɛ] sound of letter e when this is at the end of a syllable. È means “is” in modern Italian [ɛ], e.g. il cane è piccolo meaning “the dog is small”.

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