What is the world record for pogo stick jumps?

What is the world record for pogo stick jumps?


Is a pogo stick a vehicle?

Is a pogo stick considered a vehicle? Yes.

Where has Ashrita Furman jumped on a pogo stick?

Ashrita Furman (USA) – who holds the Guinness World Records title for holding the most Guinness World Records titles held – added another to his tally on 26 September 2007, when he takes a mere 23 min 28 sec to hop one mile on his pogo stick along the Brooklyn Promenade in New York while juggling, without falling or …

How high can a pogo stick jump?

11 ft 0.5 in

What is the most t shirts put on in one minute?

The most T-shirts put on in one minute (team of two) is 35, and was achieved by David Rush and Jennifer Rush (both USA) in Boise, Idaho, USA, on 27 January 2021. David has multiple Guinness World Records title under his belt, but this marks his wife Jennifer’s first go at record breaking.

What is the biggest shirt in the world?

The largest T-shirt measures 96.86 m (317.78 ft) long and 69.77 m (228.90 ft) wide, created by Plastindia Foundation (India) at Mumbai, India on 5 January 2018.

What is the world record for most t-shirts put on?

Just ask Idaho couple David and Jennifer Rush. They smashed the Guinness World Record for most T-shirts put on in one minute by a team of two. Jennifer put 32 tees on David in just 60 seconds, squeaking past the previous record of 31. It was a big moment but hardly the couple’s first.

Who has the most number of clothes?

Ted Hastings

Who is the person with the longest nails?

Melvin Boothe

What is the record for most eggs cracked?

The most eggs cracked in one minute with one hand is 32 and was achieved by Ross McCurdy (USA) in Kingston, Washington, USA, on 16 June 2011. Ross owns a breakfast restaurant.

What is the Guinness World Record for most sticky notes on face?

The most sticky notes stuck on the face in 30 seconds is 38 and was achieved by Silvio Sabba (Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 18 April 2018. Silvio Sabba is a serial record breaker.

What is the world record for most CDs balanced on one finger?


What is the record for most socks put on one foot in 30 seconds?


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