What is this political cartoon referring to?

What is this political cartoon referring to?

Political cartoon, a drawing (often including caricature) made for the purpose of conveying editorial commentary on politics, politicians, and current events. Such cartoons play a role in the political discourse of a society that provides for freedom of speech and of the press.

What message about imperialism did this political cartoon convey?

What is the message of this cartoon? US imperialism is helping the nation grow quickly.

How does the political cartoon from Puck magazine in 1899 illustrate the American imperialist mindset of the time?

How does the political cartoon from Puck magazine in 1899 illustrate the American imperialist mindset of the time? It shows non-European countries (students in the front row) being treated with respect (Uncle Sam gives them special attention). In this cartoon, Uncle Sam chastizes the students in the front row.

What does this cartoon show about the US after the Spanish American War?

the US becoming a world power

What territories does the US gain as a result of winning the war quizlet?

The United States emerged as a world power; Cuba gained independence from Spain; the United States gained possession of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

What territories did the United States acquire as a result of the Spanish-American War?

Representatives of Spain and the United States signed a peace treaty in Paris on December 10, 1898, which established the independence of Cuba, ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States, and allowed the victorious power to purchase the Philippines Islands from Spain for $20 million.

Which was a major result of the Spanish American War?

U.S. victory in the war produced a peace treaty that compelled the Spanish to relinquish claims on Cuba, and to cede sovereignty over Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United States. The United States also annexed the independent state of Hawaii during the conflict.

Why did the US invade Cuba?

On February 15, 1898, a mysterious explosion sank the battleship USS Maine in Havana Harbor, triggering a war between the United States and Spain. The Maine had come to Cuba to protect American citizens while Cuban revolutionaries were fighting to win independence from Spain.

Which territory won by the US in 1898 is still controlled by the US?

The Treaty of Paris (1898) officially ended the Spanish-American War. The United States acquired Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines as territories. Cuba technically gained its independence, but United States soldiers remained in the country for years, commonly intervening in the new nation’s politics.

Why did the United States declare war on Spain in 1898?

On April 21, 1898, the United States declared war against Spain. The reasons for war were many, but there were two immediate ones: America’s support the ongoing struggle by Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish rule, and the mysterious explosion of the battleship U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor.

Why did the US buy the Philippines?

Americans who advocated annexation evinced a variety of motivations: desire for commercial opportunities in Asia, concern that the Filipinos were incapable of self-rule, and fear that if the United States did not take control of the islands, another power (such as Germany or Japan) might do so.

What were the causes and effects of the Spanish American War?

The immediate cause of the Spanish-American War was Cuba’s struggle for independence from Spain. Growing U.S. economic, political, and military power, especially naval power, contrasted with waning Spanish power over its far-flung colonies, made the war a relatively short-lived conflict.

What are 3 causes of the Spanish American War?

Causes of Spanish American War

  • U.S. support of Cuba’s independence.
  • To protect U.S. business interests in Cuba.
  • Yellow Journalism.
  • Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine.

What were two results of the Spanish American War?

The Treaty of Paris ending the Spanish-American War was signed on December 10, 1898. In it, Spain renounced all claim to Cuba, ceded Guam and Puerto Rico to the United States and transferred sovereignty over the Philippines to the United States for $20 million.

What were the long term effects of the Spanish American War?

The United States received the Philippines and the islands of Guam and Puerto Rico. Cuba became independent, and Spain was awarded $20 million dollars for its losses.

What happened as a result of US imperialism in Cuba?

What happened as a result of U.S. imperialism in Cuba, the Philippines, and Hawaii? The United States helped Cuba win independence from Spain. Through the Platt Amendment, the United States retained a great deal of control over Cuban affairs and obtained the use of land for a naval base.

Why did the Philippines rebel against the US?

While the Filipinos believed that a U.S. defeat of Spain would lead to a free Philippines, the U.S. refused to recognize the new government. Outraged by the betrayal, the Philippine republic declared war on the United States.

Why was the United States able to defeat the Spanish in the Philippines so easily?

why was the united states able to defeat the spanish in the philippines so easily? what other events led to this victory? because the philippines were fighting for independence and joined u.s. that meant 2 times the amount of troops and power. emilio aguinaldo lead the filipino army.

What was the Philippines called before?

Las Felipinas

Why did the United States become involved in the Philippines affairs?

The United States feared the spread of Communism throughout Southeast Asia. Why did the United States become involved in the Philippines’ affairs? It believed that helping would make the United States grant it independence. After World War II, the Philippines was granted its independence by which nation?

Did the United States betray the Philippines?

Towards the end of the 19th century, the first encounter between the United States of America and the Philippines was marked by deceit and treachery. However, the revolutionaries were betrayed by Americans as soon as their former enemy departed from the islands.

How many years did American colonized Philippines?

48 years

What territories did the US gain from the war?

As a result of the war, the United States acquired Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines as territories.

What did the US gain from the Mexican American War?

According to the treaty, which was subsequently ratified by both national congresses, Mexico ceded to the United States nearly all the territory now included in the states of New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California, Texas, and western Colorado for $15 million and U.S. assumption of its citizens’ claims against …

Why did the United States want Puerto Rico?

The U.S. invaded Puerto Rico not only because it was a Spanish territory, but also due to its interests in developing a sugar market there, says Lillian Guerra, a history professor at the University of Florida.

How does Puerto Rico relate to the United States?

Puerto Rico, an island in the Caribbean Sea, has been a territory of the United States since 1898, after the U.S. defeated Spain in the Spanish-American war. Puerto Ricans by birth have American citizenship and can move freely between the island and the U.S. mainland. But unlike Hawaii, Puerto Rico is not a state.

When Puerto Rico become part of USA?


What are the 52 states in the United States?

U.S. States & Territories

  • Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, Arkansas.
  • California, Colorado, Connecticut.
  • Delaware, District of Columbia.
  • Florida.
  • Georgia, Guam.
  • Hawaii.
  • Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa.
  • Kansas, Kentucky.

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