What is Tubelight called in Sanskrit?

What is Tubelight called in Sanskrit?

Sanskrit names of items used on daily-basis in our household are quite interesting….Sanskrit names of items used in a household.

English Sanskrit Transliteration
Tubelight दण्डदीपः Daṇḍadīpaḥ
Iron Box समीरकः Samīrakaḥ
Bag स्यूतः Syūtaḥ
Matchbox अग्निपेटिका Agnipeṭikā

What mean by Tubelight?

1. ( Electrical Engineering) a type of lamp in which an electrical gas discharge is maintained in a tube with a thin layer of phosphor on its inside surface. The gas, which is often mercury vapour, emits ultraviolet radiation causing the phosphor to fluoresce.

What phone means Hindi?

/ˈtelɪfəʊn ˈटेलिफ़अउन्/ Word forms: telephones, telephoning, telephoned. 1. uncountable noun. The telephone is an electrical system used to talk to someone in another place by dialling a number on a piece of equipment and speaking into it.

What is the Hindi mean of cricket?

CRICKET= झींगुर [pr. {jhinagur} ](Noun)

What is the meaning of cricket in English?

1 : a game played with a ball and bat by two sides of usually 11 players each on a large field centering upon two wickets each defended by a batsman. 2 : fair and honorable behavior it wasn’t cricket for her to break her contract— Gerry Nadel. cricket. verb. cricketed; cricketing; crickets.

What is the meaning of cricket in Sanskrit?

“gendu balla krida” which means game of bat and ball.

What is cricket called in Chinese?

极活泼的 [jí huó po de] {adj.}

What is cycle called in Sanskrit?

bicycle in Sanskrit संस्कृतम् bicycle ⇄ bicycle, noun, verb, -cled,-cling.

What is the meaning of truth in Sanskrit?


What is sad called in Sanskrit?

IPA: sædSanskrit: सैड

What is the Sanskrit word for love?

Sanskrit Words for Love स्नेह (Sneha): Maternal love or affection. काम (Kama): Erotic or amorous love.

What is the Sanskrit word for trust?

Trust Meaning in Sanskrit

Word Meaning Grammar
Trust न्यासः Nyasah Noun
Trust विश्रम्भ् Vishrambh Verb
Trust विश्वस् Vishvas Verb
Trust समाश्वस् Samashvas Verb

What is the Sanskrit word for faith?


What is the Sanskrit word for confidence?

विश्वासः 1 Trust, confidence, faith, reliance; दुर्जनः प्रियवादीति नैतद्विश्वासकारणम्; विश्वासोपगमादभिन्नगतयः शब्दं सहन्ते मृगाः Ś.

What is the Sanskrit word for wisdom?

Prajña or Pragya (Sanskrit: प्रज्ञ) as प्रज्ञा, प्राज्ञ and प्राज्ञा is used to refer to the highest and purest form of wisdom, intelligence and understanding.

What is the Sanskrit word for mindfulness?

Sati (from Pali: सति; Sanskrit: स्मृति smṛti) is mindfulness or awareness, a spiritual or psychological faculty (indriya) that forms an essential part of Buddhist practice.

What is the Sanskrit word for transformation?

Early Buddhist translators chose Chinese bianhua 變化 as the equivalent for Sanskrit nirmāṇa “transformation; supernatural manifestation; reincarnation”. Charles Muller’s Digital Dictionary of Buddhism defines bianhua as basically meaning “transformation of things”, and distinguishes four senses: (Skt.

What is the Sanskrit word for energy?


What is the Sanskrit word for inspiration?


inspired चोदित
Inspired द्युम्निन्

What is the Sanskrit word for balance?

The name comes from the Sanskrit words tula (तुला) meaning “balance”, and asana (आसन, āsana) meaning “posture” or “seat”. The pose is not described in the medieval hatha yoga texts. It appears in the 20th century in Swami Yogesvarananda’s 1970 First Steps to Higher Yoga (spelt Tulasana), and in B. K. S.

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