What is Working paper of a meeting?

What is Working paper of a meeting?

A working paper or work paper may be: A preliminary scientific or technical paper. Often, authors will release working papers to share ideas about a topic or to elicit feedback before submitting to a peer reviewed conference or academic journal. Sometimes the term working paper is used synonymously as technical report.

What should working papers show?

Typically each audit working paper must be headed with the following information:

  • The name of the client.
  • The period covered by the audit.
  • The subject matter.
  • The file reference (3)
  • The initials (signature) of the member of staff who prepared the working paper, and the date on which it was prepared.

What do you mean verification?

proving the truth

What is meant by voucher?

A voucher is a document used by a company’s accounts payable department to gather and file all of the supporting documents needed to approve the payment of a liability.

What are the types of vouching?

Types of Voucher

  • Primary Voucher − Original copy of written supporting document is called primary voucher. Like purchase Bill, cash memo, pay-in-slip, etc.
  • Collateral Voucher − Copies of supporting documents which are not available in original are collateral voucher like duplicate or carbon copy of sale invoice.

What are the steps involved in vouching?

Definition: Vouching is a procedure followed in the process of the audit to authorise the credibility of the entries entered in the books of accounts….Concept of voucher

  • Invoice bill.
  • Quotation.
  • Purchase order.
  • Requisition slip.
  • Entry gate pass (while receiving goods)

What are the two types of vouchers?

Types of Vouchers Credit or Receipt voucher. Supporting voucher. Non-Cash or Transfer voucher (Journal voucher)

What is vouching of cash book?

The process of comparing or tallying the entries papering in the books of accounts, with supporting evidence like cash memos, receipts and other documents and correspondence is known as vouching. Vouching of Cash transactions Cash book is the most important of the books of a/c for any business.

How do I check my cash book?

Vouching of Cash Receipts (Debit Side of Cash Book)

  1. The carbon copies or counterfoils of cash receipt book should be verified.
  2. Cash receipt should be serially numbered.
  3. Cash received should be entered on the same date when the cash is actually received.

How do you cash out vouching?

Vouching of Cash Transactions | Points to be considered

  1. Internal Check System.
  2. The auditor should verify and test the system of accounting.
  3. Examination of Test Checking.
  4. Comparison of rough Cash Book with the Cash Book.
  5. Examine the Method of Depositing Cash Receipts Daily.
  6. Preparing of Bank Reconciliation Statement.
  7. Verification of Cash in Hand.

How is cash in hand verified?

Cash-in-hand is verified by actual counting of cash. Cash-in-hand should be verified at the close of the business or on the date of the balance sheet. Counting of cash must be done in the presence of cashier.

What is cash verification?

The object of verification of cash in hand is to establish accuracy and validity of cash balances as shown in the cash book. The auditor should carry out the cash verification at the year end or by way of surprise check any time during the year.

How do banks do cash verification?


  1. Check the Register maintained with the Real cash balance…
  2. Next is to verify the Cash locker where moneys are usually kept in bundles…
  3. If ATM is there ask them to open them and check the available balance with eletronic records shown by the machine…..

How do you audit cash in hand?

Substantive Procedures for Cash

  1. Confirm cash balances.
  2. Vouch reconciling items to the subsequent month’s bank statement.
  3. Ask if all bank accounts are included on the general ledger.
  4. Inspect final deposits and disbursements for proper cutoff.

What is audit program for cash?

A cash audit is a review of cash transactions between an identified start date and end date in accordance with the generally accepted procedures of accounting, in addition to the policies of your company.

What is cash and bank balance?

Cash and bank balances heading generally includes following: Cash in hand. Demand deposits (funds kept in bank account which can be withdrawn at any time without prior notice); Any other short term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amount of cash e.g. term deposits, prize bonds etc.

Is bank balance a form of money?

Put simply, it is the amount of money in your bank account at a given time. The bank balance will fluctuate over the course of an accounting period, and can be viewed at any time.

How do you reduce cash on a balance sheet?

Cash is an asset account on the balance sheet.

  1. Liability Payments. Cash is reduced by the payment of amounts owed to a company’s vendors, to banking institutions, or to the government for past transactions or events.
  2. Assets Types.
  3. Prepaid Expenses.
  4. Dividend Payments.

Is cash on the income statement?

Cash purchases are recorded more directly in the cash flow statement than in the income statement. In fact, specific cash outflow events do not appear on the income statement at all.

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