What is your motivation for this research study?

What is your motivation for this research study?

Motivation for Research Study Desire to get a research degree along with its consequential benefits; Desire to face the challenge in solving the unsolved problems, i.e., concern over practical problems initiates research; Desire to get intellectual joy of doing some creative work; Desire to get respectability.

What is motivation of the study?

Motivation is important in almost every aspect of human behavior. When you make a decision, your choice is certainly influenced by your motivational state. When you study mathematics, your motivation to study mathematics clearly affects the way you learn it.

How do you write a research motivation in thesis?

Research Proposal on Motivation: Writing Secrets

  1. Write a research proposal title that will attract your reader’s attention.
  2. Construct the paper abstract.
  3. Create an introduction.
  4. Provide a review of the resources.
  5. Explain method implementation.
  6. Try to predict your own results and discuss their potential impact.

What is your motivation sample answer?

“Success is what motivates me to do a good job. Knowing the fact that my hard work and perseverance will help me achieve greater professional success is what keeps me going. I feel that aligning the company’s vision and values with my own is one way to achieve that.

What are your biggest strengths?

Some examples of strengths you might mention include:

  • Enthusiasm.
  • Trustworthiness.
  • Creativity.
  • Discipline.
  • Patience.
  • Respectfulness.
  • Determination.
  • Dedication.

How do you describe your physical self?

Physical self or characteristics describe the features or features of the body. These are things that are visually evident, they know little else about the human. The first thing you see when you look at someone may be their face, dress, nose, or body. They are all examples of physical properties.Shahrivar 2, 1396 AP

What are some examples of physical traits?

What Are Physical Traits?

  • Curly hair.
  • Free or attached ear lobes.
  • Freckles.
  • Dimples.
  • Handedness.
  • Hair color.
  • Eye color.

What do you like most about yourself answers?

10 qualities you love about yourself?

  • The 10 things I like about myself are: 1) my positive attitude.
  • in no particular order: I love my smile.
  • My ability to make people laugh. All of my ideas for the future.
  • That GOD is in my life,
  • I have a good sense of humor.
  • I am a genuinely nice person.
  • I love that I’m stubborn.
  • I always liven up the people I’m around.

What do I love most about myself?

20 Things I Freaking Love About Myself

  • I love my freckles.
  • I love the birth mark on my right arm.
  • I make the best mint chocolate chip cookies.
  • I love my clothes folding ability.
  • I am caring.
  • I am a loyal friend—a real one.
  • I like to make people smile.
  • I have the ability to be happy for other people at their highs, even if I’m in a rut myself.

What are the three qualities I like most about myself?

Re: Five qualities you love about yourself

  • I am intelligent and a critical thinker.
  • I am funny and love to make people happy.
  • I am caring and empathetic to people and what they go through.
  • I love my smile and laugh.
  • I think my nails are beautiful.

What would you improve in yourself?

“If I could improve anything about myself I would choose to improve my delegation skills. As a creative type, I tend to jump right into a project, thinking that I can do it all. And, I do succeed; however, implementing more of a teamwork mentality never hurts either.”

What makes life happy?

Laugh Every Day (It’s Better than Money) When you laugh, you release happy hormones called oxytocin and endorphins. These are hormones that uplifts us as we share experiences with others. Even just making yourself smile will put you in a better place. These are things that make you happy.Azar 6, 1399 AP

What activities can make a better and stronger person?

12 Actions You Can Take to Become a Better Person and a Better Leader

  • See yourself for who you are.
  • Forgive and let go of anger.
  • Accept responsibility.
  • Admit when you are wrong and apologize.
  • Be a good listener.
  • Be polite.
  • Have respect for others (and yourself).
  • Set goals for yourself.

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