What it means to be reasonable?

What it means to be reasonable?

Reasonable describes someone or something that’s sensible and fair, like your teacher who gives reasonable homework assignments — they don’t take you forever to do and they relate to what you are studying. If you’re reasonable, you have good sense and judgment.

What makes a wise person different from a foolish person?

3. Wise Makes Own Decision and Ignorant Follows Crowd. Wise And Foolish People Point 3: A wise person makes a decision for himself, whereas Ignorant people follow others and allow others to make a decision for him.

What is foolish love?

English Language Learners Definition of infatuation : a feeling of foolish or very strong love or admiration for someone or something.

What is foolish wisdom?

The wise fool, or the wisdom of the fool, is a form of literary paradox in which through a narrative a character recognized as a fool comes to be seen as a beholder of wisdom. In turn, the wise fool is often opposed to learned or elite knowledge.

Why are a wise man and a wise guy opposites?

The “wise” in “wise guy” is sarcastic. The surface meaning of “wise guy” is synonymous to “wise man,” but in actual usage “wise guy” ALWAYS refers to someone who is making a sardonic comment, implying that he (thinks he) is somehow smarter than others.

Who are the wise guys?

Wise Guys (band)

Wise Guys
Website www.wiseguys.de
Members Daniel (Dän) Dickopf (1999-2017), Edzard (Eddi) Hüneke (1999-2017), Marc (Sari) Sahr(1990-2017), Björn Sterzenbach (2016-2017), Nils Olfert (2009-2017)
Past members Christoph Tettinger (1990-1995), Clemens Tewinkel (1990–2008), Ferenc Husta, Andrea Figallo (2013-2016)

Where did wise guys originate?

Wiseacre Has Old English Roots “Wiseacre” first appeared in English way back in the late 16th century, while the “insolent” sense of “wise” and the words formed from it are products of the 19th and 20th centuries.

What is the opposite of wise?

Opposite of wise – foolish.

What is a wise saying called?

Sayings are categorized as follows: Aphorism: a general, observational truth; “a pithy expression of wisdom or truth”. Adage, proverb, or saw: a widely known or popular aphorism that has gained credibility by long use or tradition.

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