
What items are considered to be personal protective equipment?

What items are considered to be personal protective equipment?

Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to protective clothing, helmets, gloves, face shields, goggles, facemasks and/or respirators or other equipment designed to protect the wearer from injury or the spread of infection or illness.

What equipment should be worn or carried by a lifeguard at all times while on duty list at least two and include the reason’s why this equipment should be worn or carried?

What equipment should be worn or carried by a lifeguard at all times while on duty? List at least two and include the reason(s) why this equipment should be worn or carried. A Rescue tube should be worn at all times when performing patron surveillance.

What are four core objectives in any rescue situation?

What are four core objectives in any rescue situation? entry, approach, rescue, removal and care provided.

Why is it important for lifeguards and other team members to understand and practice the EAP?

Why is it important for lifeguards and other team members to understand and practice the EAP? everyone knows their responsibilities and can perform them effectively.

What is a lifeguard’s primary responsibility?

The primary responsibility of a lifeguard is to ensure patron safety and protect lives. Any other task that a lifeguard may be asked to complete should be considered a secondary or tertiary responsibility, and therefore, should never take precedence over water surveillance.

What are the characteristics of a distressed swimmer?

Signs of water distress to look for include:

  • Gasping for air.
  • A weak swim stroke.
  • Bobbing up and down in the water.
  • Hair in the eyes.
  • Swimming the wrong way in a current (if in the ocean)
  • Hand waving or arms out to the sides.
  • Swimmers floating face down.

What is effective scanning?

Effective scanning is a combination of eye movement, head movement, body position, alertness, and engagement. When to scan. Sweeps of your entire zone with your eyes every 10 seconds will be effective in most circumstances.

What are the three rid factors?

Terms in this set (4)

  • RID factor. recognition, intrusion, distraction.
  • recognition. being able to recognize that a swimmer is in distress or a person is drowning and needs rescuing verses someone just playing or swimming safely.
  • intrusion.
  • distraction.

What is the difference between distress and drowning?

Distress victims need help, but are not yet in a life and death situation. Drowning is suffocation in liquid. The drowning sequence is as follows. The victim is in water over their head, they take a gulp of air and sink below the surface of the water.

What is an active drowning victim?

An active drowning victim is conscious, but physically incapable of calling out, waving, or grabbing anything. That person is consumed with the necessity to breathe air.

What is the body position of an active drowning person?

A conscious, actively drowning victim, can ordinarily be recognized by being in a vertical or slightly diagonal body position in the water, with his head back and face looking up, with an “O” shaped mouth, either gasping for air or involuntary holding his breath.

What do lifeguards do when someone is drowning?

Alert lifeguards; they’re trained to assist. Help from behind — When drowning people see a rescuer coming toward them, they clutch and pull them under the water. Look for labored breathing, lethargy, and coughing hours afterward, which can indicate secondary drowning.

What is the first thing you will do to rescue someone who is choking or drowning?

Emergency advice Call 999. Perform chest compressions to the time of “Staying Alive”. Do not give rescue breaths. Continue compressions until help arrives.

How long does it take for a dead body to float in water?

four days

What are the types of drowning?

Drowning can be categorised into five different types: near drowning, dry drowning, freshwater drowning, salt water drowning and secondary drowning.

  • Near drowning.
  • Dry drowning.
  • Freshwater drowning.
  • Salt water drowning.
  • Secondary drowning.

What are the first aid treatment for drowning?

  1. Get Help. Notify a lifeguard, if one is close.
  2. Move the Person. Take the person out of the water.
  3. Check for Breathing. Place your ear next to the person’s mouth and nose.
  4. If the Person is Not Breathing, Check Pulse.
  5. If There is No Pulse, Start CPR.
  6. Repeat if Person Is Still Not Breathing.

What happens to a body after it drowns?

Drowning is a form of death by suffocation. Death occurs after the lungs take in water. The lungs become heavy, and oxygen stops being delivered to the heart. Without the supply of oxygen, the body shuts down.

Do you give CPR to drowning victim?

Rescue breaths as well as chest compressions are critical for successful resuscitation of these victims. “Most drowning victims will have sustained cardiac arrest secondary to hypoxia. In these patients, compression-only CPR is likely to be ineffective and should be avoided.

Why is it a bad idea to jump in to try to save someone?

Answer: Jump in the water to help. You could put yourself in a dangerous situation if you enter the water to try to rescue someone. It is possible you could drown. Only a person who is trained in water rescue should enter the water to try and save someone in trouble.

Can you save a drowned person?

Tossing a lifesaving device, rope, towel or even pool noodle helps the drowning person without increasing risk to others. Get backup — Call 911 or inform others that someone is drowning, so they can call 911, and let them know you’re helping. Alert lifeguards; they’re trained to assist.

How do you rescue someone?

Six steps to saving a life without risking your own

  1. Keep alert. Don’t expect a casualty to be shouting for help.
  2. Resist temptation. Don’t be tempted to go in.
  3. Call 999 or 112. Call the emergency services before you do anything else, so help will be on its way.
  4. Shout and signal.
  5. Find a rescue aid.
  6. Safe rescue.

What are the rescue techniques?

Rescue methods

  • Reach. With a long stick, a scarf, clothes or anything else. Crouch or lie down to avoid being pulled in.
  • Wade. Test the depth with a long stick before wading in and then use the stick to reach out.
  • Throw. A rope is best – you can then pull in the person.
  • Row. Use a boat if there is one nearby and if you can use it safely.

What are the different ways you could rescue a person in trouble?

How do I attempt a rescue? When assessing a rescue situation there are a number of means by which the rescuer can try to assist the person in trouble, before they undertake a swimming rescue themselves. These include: Talk,Reach, Throw, Wade, and Row.

What to do if someone tries to drown you?

What to do if someone is drowning

  1. Try to wake the casualty.
  2. Lie them on their back and tilt their chin and head backwards to help clear their airway.
  3. Give them 5 rescue breaths.
  4. CPR.
  5. If you are on your own, then once you’ve done 5 rescue breaths and one minute of CPR you can take the time to call the emergency services.

How do you not drown?

Here are some basics on “drown-proofing”

  1. Take a deep breathe and fill your lungs with fresh air, relax, and float in the water with only the back of your head, and hands above the water.
  2. When you’re ready to take a breath, simply push down with your hands until your mouth is above the water and take a breath.

How can we save a friend who fell in the nearby river?

Shout for help along the shore. If you do decide to get into the water and help the victim, let someone know before you go in. You can either tell a fellow lifeguard or swimmers nearby so they can keep an eye out for the both of you. Bystanders may also be able to help with the rescue if you’re struggling.

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