What jobs are there in the Andes mountains?

What jobs are there in the Andes mountains?

In Peru, mining is the most important human activity above 11,500 feet, but the great majority of the Andean population is engaged in agriculture and raising sheep, cattle, goats, llamas, and alpacas; a growing proportion of people have become employed in industry and commerce.

What are the jobs in Chile?

These industries include occupations such as doctors and other health care professionals; teachers and other government employees; clerks in shops, banks, and insurance companies; and restaurant and hotel workers. Tourism is of growing importance.

How do people survive in the Andes?

Scarce oxygen, cold temperatures, and intense ultraviolet radiation make the Andes a tough place to live. Another high-dwelling folk—the people of the Tibetan plateau—have genetic variations that reduce hemoglobin levels in their blood and make their bodies extremely efficient at using oxygen.

What are the Andes used for?

The mountain slopes of the Andes are used for a variety of farming practices. The best land can be found on the valley floors, but an ingenious system of terraces dug into the valley sides and held up by retaining walls has been used to bring the lands on the valley sides into food production.

Is there snow on the Andes Mountains?

The Andes mountain climate is one of the most interesting climates in the world, because it changes drastically throughout the region. The Andes Mountains have a very high snow line in Peru and northern Chile reaching an altitude of over 19,000 feet.

Are the Andes dangerous?

The Andean region is at high risk of natural disasters and the effects of climate change. Earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, volcanic eruptions, forest fires or floods occur in a relatively confined area.

Is there a place on Earth where it has never rained?

The driest place on Earth is in Antarctica in an area called the Dry Valleys, which have seen no rain for nearly 2 million years. There is absolutely no precipitation in this region and it makes up a 4800 square kilometer region of almost no water, ice or snow.

What is the hottest place on Earth?

Death Valley

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