
What kind of audience is academic writing intended for?

What kind of audience is academic writing intended for?

In an academic setting, your audience is generally your professor, your classmates and sometimes other professors who may be assessing your work at the end of the semester. It is, therefore, critical to consider how you will articulate your ideas in order to reach the desired objective for that specific audience.

How are purpose and audience related?

The purpose of your paper is the reason you are writing your paper (convince, inform, instruct, analyze, review, etc). The audience of your paper are those who will read what you write.

Who is a spectator?

noun. a person who looks on or watches; onlooker; observer. a person who is present at and views a spectacle, display, or the like; member of an audience. Also called spectator shoe .

What is the collective noun of musicians?


What is the collective noun for trees?

Collective Nouns for Trees

collective noun description
orchard an area of trees planted and managed for their crop of fruit or nuts, typically using specific varieties to improve food quality and volume production

What is the collective noun for students?

‘Pod’: A Collective Noun for Students.

What is the collective noun of cars?

fleet of cars

What is a herd of cats called?

A group of cats is called a clowder. There are other names used for a group of cats, such as a clutter, a glaring, or a pounce.

What is the collective noun of luxury cars?

Answer. Answer: Stack/fleet or mayhem anything can be written.

What is the collective noun of puppies?

Answer: its called pack or litter.

What is called group of puppies?

You probably know that a group of wolves is called a pack, or that a group of puppies is called a litter, but there are many collective nouns for animals that are much less well-known, and frankly very strange.

What is the collective noun of Lion?


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