What kind of light is best for African violets?
African violets need bright light to bloom, but cannot tolerate hot, direct sun because their leaves are easily scorched by intense light. Violets bloom best at temperatures from 65 to 75 degrees.
How many hours of artificial light do African violets need?
Violets need a minimum of 10 hours of good light each day to flower. 12 hours is better and lights may be left on for 14 hours or up to 16 hours a day when you need lots of blooms for a special occasion.
Are LED lights good for African violets?
LED Lights Compared To Fluorescent Lights: LEDs do not generate heat as compared to fluorescent lights, so they can be kept closer to your violets and no risk of burning them.
How many lumens of light do African violets need?
How many lumens of light do African Violets need? For African Violets to bloom they require from 5000 to 13,000 lux for at least 12 hours per day. One lux is defined as Lumens per square meter. An older plant needs between 10,000 and 15,000 lux to be happy.
Do African violets have a lifespan?
African violets can live a long time, as long as 50 years! To get them there, you need to provide good care which includes repotting African violets.
Can you use Miracle Grow on African violets?
Miracle-Gro® Indoor Potting Mix is specially formulated to provide indoor plants like African violets with just the right growing environment. For best results, plant African violets in African violet pots, which are small (4- to 5-inch) ceramic or plastic self-watering containers.
How often should you water an African violet?
“How often to water African violets?” is perhaps the most pondered African violet dilemma. The best guide is to feel the top of the soil: if it is dry to the touch, then it is time to water. African violets should be allowed to dry out between each watering for best results. Overwatering can kill a plant.
When should you fertilize African violets?
The best time for fertilizing African violets is in spring when the plant is actively growing. Avoid feeding African violets in winter. Some growers say not to fertilize the plants during bloom while others tout the process.
Can you use Epsom salt on African violets?
Dissolve two tablespoons of epsom salts in one gallon of tepid water in a watering can or pitcher. Swish or swirl the salts in the water to dissolve them and combine the two. Applied once per month epsom salts will help trigger bloom in your violets and be a good companion to your African violet specialty fertilizer.