
What kind of magnet can be turned on and off?

What kind of magnet can be turned on and off?


Why is the north pole of a magnet attracted to the North Pole?

A north pole will attract a south pole; the magnets pull on each other. But the two north poles will push each other away. We say the magnets repel each other. The magnet is attracted by the earth’s magnetic north pole and always points in that direction.

What are the two magnetic forces?

The most elementary force between magnets is the magnetic dipole–dipole interaction. If all of the magnetic dipoles that make up two magnets are known then the net force on both magnets can be determined by summing up all these interactions between the dipoles of the first magnet and that of the second.

How can we show the magnetic force on a magnet?

You can use a plotting compass or iron filings to detect a magnetic field:

  1. put a piece of paper over a magnet (this stops the iron filings sticking to the magnet)
  2. sprinkle iron filings onto the paper.
  3. gently tap the paper to spread the filings out.
  4. observe and record the results.

Is magnetic force attractive or repulsive?

Magnetic force, attraction or repulsion that arises between electrically charged particles because of their motion. It is the basic force responsible for such effects as the action of electric motors and the attraction of magnets for iron.

What is repulsion force?

Repulsive force may refer to: A repulsive force of an accelerating universe, which according to certain theories causes planets and matter to get farther and farther apart. Like charges repelling according to Coulomb’s law. Repulsive force (magnetism) between magnets of opposite orientation.

What does Coulomb’s law state?

Coulomb’s law states that the electrical force between two charged objects is directly proportional to the product of the quantity of charge on the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the separation distance between the two objects. In equation form, Coulomb’s law can be stated as.

Can a gravitational force be repulsive?

It is shown that reduction of the gravitational mass of the system due to emitting gravitational waves leads to a repulsive gravitational force that diminishes with time but never disappears. This repulsive force may be related to the observed expansion of the Universe.

Has a graviton been found?

One consequence of that: while scientists know of particles associated with the strong, weak and electromagnetic forces, they have yet to discover a particle of gravity, or graviton. “The most important result is the possibility of verifying the quantum nature of the gravitational field,” said Sawyer.

Can we move faster than light?

In special relativity, it is impossible to accelerate an object to the speed of light, or for a massive object to move at the speed of light. However, it might be possible for an object to exist which always moves faster than light.

Is time and gravity related?

The gravitational field is really a curving of space and time. The stronger the gravity, the more spacetime curves, and the slower time itself proceeds. It is only relative to a reference frame with weaker gravity that his time runs slow.

Why Time Slows Down in space?

This form of time dilation is also real, and it’s because in Einstein’s theory of general relativity, gravity can bend spacetime, and therefore time itself. The closer the clock is to the source of gravitation, the slower time passes; the farther away the clock is from gravity, the faster time will pass.

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