What kind of person is Giles Corey?

What kind of person is Giles Corey?

Corey is a character in Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible (1953), in which he is portrayed as a hot-tempered but honorable man, giving evidence critical to the witch trials. His wife Martha was one of the 19 people hanged during the hysteria on Proctor’s Ledge.

How is Giles Corey brave?

Giles Corey showed courage and respect for his wife, his fellow man, and his family. He turned from a comical hero into a true and honorable one, a man who stood up against the hysteria of the infamous Salem Witch Trials.

What are Giles Corey’s last words?

In the literature about Giles Corey’s tortuous death, there is reference to his famous last words, “more weight.” These words were uttered as a final attempt to expedite his death while also showing that not even imminent death could convince him to go to trial.

Why did Giles Corey accuse his wife?

Although Giles has no clue what his questions would lead to, Giles stating that his wife reads strange books leads directly to her being accused of witchcraft. Even with Francis Nurse and Giles Corey stating that Martha is close to God, she is still accused because of Giles’ statements.

Why is Giles Corey a hero?

Giles Corey was a hero of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. When it was time for Giles’ trial on September 16th, he pleaded not guilty but refused to “be tried by God and [his] country”, knowing that being tried by a jury who believed in and opposed witchcraft would lead to execution. …

Is Giles Corey good or bad?

Giles is a noble character in the play. But by the middle of the play, when his wife has been arrested for witchcraft, Giles realizes his mistake and joins John in approaching the court to tell Danforth he’s wrong. …

Why did Giles Corey not confess?

Giles Corey refuses to answer “aye” or “nay” during his indictment as an attempt to protect the well-being of his family. He cannot be sent to the gallows to hang without an answer.

Why did Giles Corey say more weight?

Giles Corey, a subordinate character in Miller’s play “The Crucible”, asks for ‘more weight’ when he is being pressed to death at the end of the play. Giles asked for more weight for two reasons. First, he knew that the adding of more weight would end his suffering quicker.

What happened Giles Corey Act 4?

We learn of his tragic fate in Act Four, when Elizabeth Proctor informs her husband, John, of his death. Giles refused to respond to the charges against him and was pressed to death. His accusers placed huge stones on his chest until he died. His last words supposedly were, “More weight!”

How is Giles Corey treated by the court?

9. What happens to Giles Corey? He gets arrested and charged with contempt of court. He is pressed to death.

Who is the most innocent character in the crucible?

John Proctor

Why is Abigail jealous of Elizabeth?

Abigail is motivated by jealousy of Elizabeth Proctor; she wants Elizabeth to die so she can marry John, Elizabeth’s husband. Thomas Putnam is motivated by jealousy of other people’s property; he wants George Jacobs to die so he can get his hands on a great piece of land.

Who is to blame for the Crucible?

There are three people depicted in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible that are most responsible for this and they are, Abigail Williams, Judge Danforth, and Thomas Putnam. Abigail Williams is mostly responsible for the Salem witch trials because she was the first person to start accusing innocent people of witchcraft.

Who is the best character in the crucible?

Elizabeth Proctor

Who is the most honest person in the crucible?

What was Goody Osburn accused of?


Is Goody Osburn pregnant?

Why Goody Osburn will hang. She couldn’t recite a single commandment. How the judge knew Goody Osburn was lying. She’s pregnant.

What characters in the crucible believe in witchcraft?

Essentially, the religious citizens of Salem believe that witches do the Devil’s bidding and cast spells that have various malevolent effects on their victims. The Putnams believe that witchcraft is responsible for the deaths of their children, as well as Ruth’s illness.

What does Mary Warren mean when she says I saved her life today?

What does Mary Warren mean when she says,”I saved her life today!” ? Abigail has accused Elizabeth of witchcraft, but Mary claims that she has never seen any indication of it. That Abigail wants her dead so she can have John.

How did Mary save Elizabeth’s life in court?

A person can confess to save their life. How did Mary “save” Elizabeth’s life, but later cause her to be accused? Elizabeth is accused of witchcraft but Mary testifies against this. A voodoo doll is then found.

Why does Elizabeth not believe in witches?

She believes that she is a good woman, that she has only done “good work in the world,” and therefore she cannot be a witch. It would not be possible, in her mind, for her to be “secretly bound to Satan,” and so she reiterates that if she is accused of witchcraft, then she cannot believe witches exist.

What does Elizabeth realize when she finds out she has been accused of being a witch?

What does Elizabeth realize when she finds out that she has been accused? That Abigail wants her dead so she can have John. She wants John to go to Salem and tell the court what Abigail had said to him about the incident in the woods.

What will happen to the accused witches if they don’t confess?

What will happen to the accused witches if they do not confess? They will be hanged. Proctor can barely believe the craze, and he tells Elizabeth that Abigail had sworn her dancing had nothing to do with witchcraft. Elizabeth wants him to testify that the accusations are a sham.

Why do Elizabeth and John struggle in answering Hale’s question about their belief in witches?

Why do Elizabeth and John struggle in answering Hale’s question about their belief in witches? John thinks witches are mentioned in the Bible. Elizabeth can’t accept witches. She was accused of being one.

What is Arthur Miller’s message in the crucible?

In The Crucible, Arthur Miller’s message is that public hysteria based on fear destroys people’s lives.

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