
What kind of person is Mama in everyday use?

What kind of person is Mama in everyday use?

Mama, the narrator of the story, is a strong, loving mother who is sometimes threatened and burdened by her daughters, Dee and Maggie. Gentle and stern, her inner monologue offers us a glimpse of the limits of a mother’s unconditional love.

How is Mama described in everyday use?

Mama describes herself as a big-boned woman with hands that are rough from years of physical labor. She wears overalls and has been both mother and father to her two daughters. A loving mother, her frank, open nature prevents her from deluding herself when it comes to her daughters’ weaknesses.

How is mama a dynamic character in everyday use?

Mama, the narrator and protagonist can be considered a dynamic character. This is because at the start of the story she gives into everything that Dee wants; however, by the end of the story she stands her ground and does not let Dee take the old quilts.

What is the main conflict between Jing-Mei and her mother?

The conflict between Jing-mei and her mother is over Jing-mei’s piano lessons. Jing-mei does not want to play anymore, but her mother wants her to become a prodigy. When Jing-mei’s mother decides she should be a prodigy, Jing-mei is on board at first.

What is the main source of conflict between Jing-Mei and her mother?


What are the magic words Jing-Mei says to her mother in an argument?

Jing-mei shouts and says hurtful words to her mother such as, “Then, I wish I wasn’t your daughter” and “I wish you weren’t my mother.” She says, “It felt like worms and toads and slimy things crawling out of my chest, but it also felt good.” Jing-mei wanted to see her mother’s anger spill over by bringing up the …

What does the narration reveal about Jing-Mei’s character she works hard because she feels loved and accepted by her parents she wants to be perfect so that she can be better than anyone else she is afraid that he’ll be a disappointment if?

What does the narration reveal about Jing-mei’s character? She works hard because she feels loved and accepted by her parents. She wants to be perfect so that she can be better than anyone else. She is afraid that she’ll be a disappointment if she doesn’t become a prodigy.

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