
What kind of person is tea cake?

What kind of person is tea cake?

In Tea Cake she finds a creative and vivacious personality who enjoys probing the world around him and respects Janie’s need to develop. Whereas Logan treats her like a farm animal and Jody silences her, Tea Cake converses and plays with her.

What is ironic about Janie shooting tea cake?

The irony is that (1) Tea Cake received his death sentence, the bite, while rescuing Janie; (2) he could both beat her and rescue her; (3) she killed him with a skill he taught her and (4) the end result of his physical attacks on her was his death at her hands.

Why does Mrs Turner want to be friends with Janie but not tea cake?

She is drawn to Janie because Janie also has Caucasian features. Mrs. Turner does not approve of Tea Cake because his skin is too dark and thinks Janie should be with her brother, instead. Turner doesn’t believe it when Janie tells her she and Tea Cake have a real love and so much fun together.

Why does tea cake say he would not hit Mrs Turner?

When Tea Cake talks about hitting her at the beginning, it is a direct sign of Janie’s passiveness because she does not yell like Sop says other black women would have.

Who do Tea Cake’s friends blame for having wrongly accused Janie?

After the funeral, Janie’s friends on the Muck blame Mrs. Turner’s brother for Tea Cake’s death and force him off the Muck again. After two days, they forget about ever having been angry at Janie; remembering is “too much of a strain.” Janie remains for a few weeks, but the Muck reminds her too much of Tea Cake.

What does tea cake learn from his encounter with Mrs Tanner’s husband and son?

Tea Cake overhears a conversation between Janie and Mrs. Turner and tells Janie that he doesn’t want Mrs. Turner to tell him to keep his wife away, but when he meets the man on the street, Tea Cake finds that he is a depressed, passive man dominated by his wife and drained by the deaths of several of his children.

What does Nunkie do to get tea cakes attention?

Q. What does Nunkie do to get Tea Cake’s attention? Nunkie tells Tea Cake that Janie is cheating on him.

What chapter does tea cake died?

Summary and Analysis Chapter 19. Janie and Tea Cake make it to safety in Palm Beach and survive, but Tea Cake is soon pressed into service by rifle-carrying white men who need him to help clear the wreckage and bury the dead.

What does tea cake do with Janie’s $200?

Tea Cake got into a fight with another gambler named Double-Ugly who had lost all his money and accused Tea Cake of cheating. Tea Cake got away with his winnings and two wounds from Double-Ugly’s razor. Janie cries as she cleans her husband’s wounds and listens to his story. He’s won back more than just the $200.

When did Janie meet tea cake?

Janie meets Tea Cake about eight months after Joe’s death, and they immediately hit it off. He brings something Janie has never seen in a man before—a carefree, joking attitude and a disregard for social class. He has no problem hanging out with blue-collar workers, and this makes Janie comfortable around them, too.

Why does tea cake become jealous How does he handle his jealousy?

Tea Cake, of course, gets jealous. He beats Janie—not because she’s done anything wrong, but to relieve the fear inside him and to show the Turners “who is boss.” He may be feeling insecure, but this show of possession is just not cool, although the book seems to glorify it a little bit.

How does tea cake personality change once he begins feeling sick?

Answer Expert Verified. As Tea Cake becomes sicker, his personality undergoes a big change. He begins as an easy going and friendly person, but as he begins to fell sicker and sicker he becomes paranoid, suspicious, he won’t trust anyone, he is incredibly nervous and uneasy and he forgets things.

How do Tea Cake’s friends react to his death?

How do Tea Cake’s friends react to his death? a. They are glad he is gone. They do not know he is dead.

What happened to Janie after tea cake died?

She doesn’t. Tea Cake dies in her arms, still hateful and biting down on Janie’s forearm. She weeps over his body and silently thanks him for giving her the chance to love. The same day, Janie is put on trial for killing Tea Cake.

Where does Janie go after tea cake dies?

Disgusted with the work and fearful of the racism around the town (the white corpses get coffins, but the black corpses are simply dumped in a ditch and covered with quicklime), Tea Cake and Janie decide to leave surreptitiously and return to the Everglades.

Did Janie Die in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Through her relationship and time with Tea Cake, Janie found herself, and she is strong now, even without him. Realizing that she has finally reached her “horizon” and can be at peace, she is content. The story does not indicate that Janie has died.

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