
What kind of person was Chris McCandless?

What kind of person was Chris McCandless?

Christopher Johnson McCandless Intelligent, idealistic young man who believes that life is best lived alone, in nature. He spends two years testing his theory throughout the western United States before entering the wilds of Alaska unprepared and starving to death. Calls himself “Alexander Supertramp” or just “Alex.”

What obstacles did McCandless face?

On a literal level, Chris McCandless’s biggest challenge was his final one: fronting the Alaskan wilderness alone, where he met unexpected hardships and had to cope with the inevitability of death at early age. On a more profound level, McCandless’s biggest challenges, as he well knew, were his own inner demons.

What does Krakauer’s father want him to be professionally?

What does Krakauer’s father want him to be professionally? What does he become instead? His father wants him to be a doctor but he becomes a carpenter and a writer.

Why is Chris obsession with Jack London ironic?

What was ironic about Chris’s love for Jack London’s work? London only headed to Alaska once and was not really adventurous. London had never been to Alaska and based his writing on travel books. London wrote about tropical locations, and Chris did not enjoy the heat of the desert.

Why do the employees at McDonald’s object to Chris?

Bullhead City, Arizona. Why did the employees at McDonald’s object to Chris? Poor hygiene.

Why did Chris abandon his car?

He thought it a perfectly good car, and, as he wrote to his sister, Carine, he couldn’t believe his parents wanted to buy him a new car. Nevertheless, Chris abandoned the car after he drove it off the road at the Detrital Wash. However, he didn’t have time to save the car. It wasn’t washed away, but the engine got wet.

What does Chris McCandless abandon and why does he do it?

Why, when, and where does he abandon this beauty? Chris McCandless drives a second-hand yellow Datsun, which he abandons in Lake Mead National Park at the Detrial Wash at the edge of the dry river bed. (Pg 21, 26) He abandons it in october of 1990 because he couldn’t drive it because of flash floods.

How did Chris View running?

Define Chris’s workout “Road Warriors.” He would lead the team on long, killer runs through places like farmers’ fields and construction sites, places they weren’t supposed to be, and intentionally try to get everyone lost. How did Chris view running? As an intensely spiritual exercise, verging on religion.

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