What kind of word is unwary?

What kind of word is unwary?

Lacking caution as a result of naïveté or inexperience.

Is incautious a word?

adjective. not cautious; careless; reckless; heedless.

What does Uncautious mean?

: lacking in caution : careless an incautious remark.

Whats the opposite of cautious?

Antonyms: careless, drowsy, dull, heedless, inattentive, incautious, inconsiderate, neglectful, negligent, oblivious, thoughtless, unwary. Synonyms: alert, awake, careful, circumspect, on the alert, on the lookout, sleepless, vigilant, wakeful, wary, watchful, wide-awake.

What does incautiously mean?

without caution or prudence

What does unthinking mean?

1 : not taking thought : heedless, unmindful the unthinking onlookers.

What is the meaning of injudicious?

adjective. not judicious; showing lack of judgment; unwise; imprudent; indiscreet: an injudicious decision.

What is the meaning of imprudent?

: not prudent : lacking discretion, wisdom, or good judgment an imprudent investor.

Does imprudent mean inappropriate?

Not prudent; wanting in prudence or discretion; indiscreet; injudicious; not attentive to consequence; improper.

What does enthralled mean?

Today the word is often used in its participle form, enthralled, which sometimes means “temporarily spellbound” (“we listened, enthralled, to the old woman’s oral history”), but more often suggests a state of being generally captivated, delighted, or taken by some particular thing.

What is another word for enthralled?

What is another word for enthralled?

fascinated captivated
infatuated aroused
smitten attracted
enticed transported
thrilled held

What is an enthralling person?

When things captivate or grip you, they’re enthralling. You can find another person enthralling, or a well-made movie, a wonderful concert, or an entrancing painting in a museum.

How do you enthrall someone?

You can attempt to enthrall a victim by activating them (like feeding). If their combined health and stamina is less than yours, they will be overwhelmed and made into Vampire Cattle. If they are still stronger than you, they will fight off your attempt to subvert them and attack you.

What does Enclasp mean?

to seize and hold : embrace

What does fascinated mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to command the interest of : allure was fascinated by carnivals The kids were fascinated with their new toy. b : to transfix (see transfix sense 1) and hold spellbound by an irresistible power believed that the serpent could fascinate its prey.

Is fascinated a feeling?

Fascination is a neurological state of intense focus, one that creates an irresistible feeling of engagement. It’s almost the same as falling in love. When you’re fascinated, you’re in the moment. Emotionally, you experience fascination as a feeling of confidence and clarity.

What is a hilarious?

: marked by or causing hilarity : extremely funny. Other Words from hilarious Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More about hilarious.

Does fascination mean attraction?

Fascination is defined as something that attracts or intrigues someone, or the state of being attracted and intrigued. When you are obsessed with a specific performer on television and watch every single show and movie he is in, this is an example of a fascination.

What is another word for hilarious?

What is another word for hilarious?

uproarious hysterical
humorous entertaining
riotous chucklesome
comic farcical
funny side-splitting

What is the opposite of hilarious?

What is the opposite of hilarious?

sad humorlessUS
gloomy quiet
sedate serious
boring grave
solemn somberUS

What does the word delightful mean?

: highly pleasing a delightful surprise enjoyed a delightful brunch.

What is a delightful person?

If you describe something or someone as delightful, you mean they are very pleasant. It was the most delightful garden I had ever seen. Synonyms: pleasant, pleasing, charming, engaging More Synonyms of delightful. delightfully adverb [ADV adj/-ed]

What is another word for delightful?

SYNONYMS FOR delightful pleasant, pleasurable, enjoyable; charming, enchanting, delectable, agreeable.

Is Belightful a word?

verb transitive, rare, dialectal To light up ; illuminate . verb intransitive, rare, dialectal To become lit up; shine up; dawn .

What does it mean to belie something?

transitive verb. 1a : to give a false impression of Her gentleness belies her strength. b : to present an appearance not in agreement with His manner and appearance belie his age. 2a : to show (something) to be false or wrong The evidence belies their claims of innocence.

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