What lab equipment is used for heating a small amount of substance?
Bunsen burner – The Bunsen burner is a metal tube that produces a flame from gas such as methane, propane, or butane. It is used in the lab for heating and sterilizing. The Bunsen burner is named after German chemist Robert Bunsen.
What is used to transfer solid chemicals in weighing?
Spatula: Description: Made of metal or porcelain. Uses: To transfer solid chemicals in weighing.
How do you transfer a solid?
A solid can be dispensed from its reagent jar directly into a vessel or onto a weighing boat or creased piece of paper. If a solid is to be transferred into a vessel containing a narrow mouth (such as a round bottomed flask), a “powder funnel” or wide-mouth funnel can be used (Figure 1.15a).
What is the chemical safety rule?
The federal Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board on Wednesday released its new rule that requires an owner or operator of a chemical facility to report any accidental chemical releases to the board for investigation.
What are the safety precautions in handling chemicals?
General rules for handling chemicals
- Do not return chemicals to their original packaging.
- Keep chemical containers closed.
- Never use the wrong or an unmarked reagent.
- Never use spatulas, stirrers or other objects in what was originally a storage container for chemicals.
What is the importance of chemical safety?
Establishing and maintaining a sound chemical safety policy not only saves human lives and protects the environment but also avoids fines and penalties.
Who is responsible for chemical safety?
Managers and Supervisors are usually the ones who implement the administrative procedures, and operational policies that control chemical risks and hazards. And like all workers, they have a responsibility to follow those same procedures (leading by example).
What are some examples of chemical hazards?
Some commonly used workplace chemical hazards include:
- Acids.
- Caustic substances.
- Cleaning products such as toilet cleaners, disinfectants, mildew remover and chlorine bleach.
- Glues.
- Heavy metals, including mercury, lead, cadmium, and aluminum.
- Paint.
- Pesticides.
- Petroleum products.
Is PPE required by law when working with chemicals?
By law, workers must use personal protective equipment in the workplace when it is required. Alberta requires employers to provide workers with, and pay for, PPE for emergency response, hearing and respiratory protection if it is required for the job.
What are the consequences of not wearing PPE?
Without PPE, employees are at risk of:
- Being struck by falling objects or debris.
- Impacts and collisions.
- Breathing in contaminated air.
- Cuts and punctures.
- Chemical burns.
- Electric shocks.
- Exposure to excessive noise or vibration.
- Projectiles or chemicals harming the eyes.
What is the correct PPE one must use when manipulating plants?
Long gloves or gloves with cuffs can be used depending on the machinery or process at hand. Feet and Legs: Safety shoes are a must in an acetylene plant. The shoes used should be able to withstand chemical spills or penetration of pointy objects.
What sections of an SDS tell you how do you protect yourself?
The SDS preparers may also include additional information in various section(s).
- Hazard Communication Standard: Safety Data Sheets.
- Section 1: Identification.
- Section 2: Hazard(s) Identification.
- Section 3: Composition/Information on Ingredients.
- Section 4: First-Aid Measures.
- Section 5: Fire-Fighting Measures.
What are SDS format requirements?
Section 1, Identification includes product identifier; manufacturer or distributor name, address, phone number; emergency phone number; recommended use; restrictions on use. Section 2, Hazard(s) identification includes all hazards regarding the chemical; required label elements.