What landforms do alpine glaciers create?

What landforms do alpine glaciers create?

Glacier Landforms

  • U-Shaped Valleys, Fjords, and Hanging Valleys. Glaciers carve a set of distinctive, steep-walled, flat-bottomed valleys.
  • Cirques.
  • Nunataks, Arêtes, and Horns.
  • Lateral and Medial Moraines.
  • Terminal and Recessional Moraines.
  • Glacial Till and Glacial Flour.
  • Glacial Erratics.
  • Glacial Striations.

Where are Alpine glaciers formed?

Alpine glaciers form on mountainsides and move downward through valleys. Sometimes, alpine glaciers create or deepen valleys by pushing dirt, soil, and other materials out of their way. Alpine glaciers are found in high mountains of every continent except Australia (although there are many in New Zealand).

What are three landscape features carved out by alpine glaciers?

Glacier Landforms: Aretes, Horns & Cirques

  • Grooves and Striations.
  • Chatter Marks.
  • Troughs.
  • Aretes, Horns and Cirques.
  • Moraines.
  • Erratics.
  • Drumlins.

What are the characteristics of alpine glaciers?

Alpine glaciers have characteristics of rivers and solid rock. a. Like rivers, alpine glaciers flow fastest at the top an center; they are slowest around the sides and bottom.

What is the difference between an alpine and continental glacier?

Continental glaciers form in a central location with ice moving outward in all directions. Alpine glaciers form in high mountains and travel through valleys. Ice caps cover large areas. Because glaciers move, they have characteristic features like crevasses and bergshrunds.

Is white ice safe?

Ice is never completely safe. White to opaque ice will have air pockets in it and is weaker than clear ice. Ice that is colored light gray to dark black is unsafe and you should avoid this type of ice as it may not hold a load. Mottled and slushy or what some people refer to as “rotten” ice – because of its texture.

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