What level is adult in DragonVale?

What level is adult in DragonVale?

On level 7, the appearance of the juvenile dragon slightly changes and becomes larger when it becomes an adult. On level 11, the dragon becomes larger in size and an orb of their primary element shows up above its head, which is replaced by a golden crown when they reach level 20.

What is Gaia max level DragonVale?

Gaia, the Legendary Nest Dragon Available. Level 30. Buy. 3,450. Sell.

What does the perch of Kairos do?

Ancient and wise, Kairos has a unique magic that can bend space and time. Every few days, the magic of the Chronolith and Time Claw combine, allowing Kairos to accelerate time in your park. He will await you on his perch.

How do you breed a Kairos Dragon in Dragonvale?

“You cannot breed or buy Kairos, you have to summon him! First you have to buy the Perch of Kairos (750,000 coins). Then you need to gather three artifacts: the Chronolith, the Time Claw and the Statue of Kairos. The artifacts are built by collecting 21 time fragments.

What level do you need to be to upgrade Kairos?

It’s completely possible to have the legendary dragon Kairos himself and not be able to earn this new currency. The Eternal Essence requires a park level of 40 or higher in order to earn it according to their response to some comments on their own post.

Where can I buy the perch of Kairos?

DragonVale recently added the Perch of Kairos habitat, which has to be built in 3 phases or “artifacts” using pieces called “time fragments”. The time fragments can be purchased with gems for a eye-poppingly large sum, or they can be won via the Dragon Track.

How do you get the racetrack in Dragonvale?

To build the Dragon Track, you need to be level 15. Level 15. I just got to level 16 and I got the dragon races at 15; you must have been at a lower level. Highly active question.

How do I get essence for Kairos?

Eternal Essence was introduced during the second Kairos’ Birthday event, and can be traded at the Perch of Kairos. 150 during the tutorial for Kairos’ Birthday. Players over level 40 are given an opportunity to find eternal essence during normal game play by performing everyday activities.

What does the hourglass mean in DragonVale?

If a dragon has an hourglass on the bottom left of its profile then that means it is a limited dragon, a purple hourglass means it is a dragon that contains at least 1 Epic element, a blue hourglass means it has only Primary elements.

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