What line is thus with a kiss I die?

What line is thus with a kiss I die?

“O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.” With these words, Romeo dies in this story of doomed love.

Does Juliet die first?

The deaths of Romeo and Juliet occur in a sequence of compounding stages: first, Juliet drinks a potion that makes her appear dead. Thinking her dead, Romeo then drinks a poison that actually kills him. Seeing him dead, Juliet stabs herself through the heart with a dagger.

Why did Juliet kill himself?

Juliet wakes up from the sleeping potion and finds Romeo dead next to her. She says her final goodbye to Romeo and takes her own life with Romeo’s dagger. She chose to kill herself after she found Romeo dead because she loved him and he’s the only man she wanted to be with.

Did Juliet die for Romeo?

In a desperate attempt to be reunited with Romeo, Juliet follows the Friar’s plot and fakes her own death. The message fails to reach Romeo, and believing Juliet dead, he takes his life in her tomb. Juliet wakes to find Romeo’s corpse beside her and kills herself.

Why did Romeo kill Paris?

Romeo kills Paris because Paris accosted him in the Capulet tomb and refused to leave him alone. Paris didn’t know about Romeo’s marriage to Juliet, and so he automatically assumed that Romeo intended to desecrate Juliet’s corpse, or that of another Capulet.

Is Romeo older than Paris?

Paris is older in age but Romeo is older in life and maturity. Romeo is older in life because he’s a married man and has been through more.

Is Paris jealous of Romeo?

Paris’ dying words are a plea to the man who has killed him: “If thou be merciful, / Open the tomb, lay me with Juliet” (5.3. 72-73). Even after this, Romeo shows no jealousy; instead, he seems to regard Paris as a comrade in the adventure of love and death.

Is Romeo justified in killing Paris?

Killing anyone is never justified unless the person has already attacked you and he is trying to kill you. You have to stop him. If, in trying to stop him from killing you, you end up killing him, then and only then is it justified. If he was trying to kill you and he stops, then you have to stop.

How did Count Paris die?

Shortly thereafter, Romeo, deranged by grief himself, also goes to the Capulet’s tomb and is confronted by Count Paris, who believes Romeo came to desecrate Juliet’s tomb. A duel ensues and Paris is killed.

What was the poison that killed Romeo?

potassium cyanide

Did Juliet drink poison?

On seeing Juliet, he drinks the poison so he can be with her in heaven. Juliet finally awakens to see Romeo there with her – however, she quickly realises he has drunk poison. She kisses his lips to try and taste the poison herself, but it doesn’t work. So, instead, she kills herself with Romeo’s dagger.

Why did Romeo buy poison?

In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo buys the poison because he believes Juliet is dead and no longer wants to live without her.

Who is more mature Romeo or Juliet?

As seen in the play “Romeo and Juliet”, by William Shakespeare, maturity plays a big role in love and how characters can act upon their feelings and emotions. Juliet is less mature than Romeo when it comes to her being so young and naive that she does not know how to control her feelings.

How is Romeo immature?

Romeo is especially immature, in that he forgets Rosaline so quickly, and moves on without realising his mistake of falling in love to quickly. This immaturity leads to the proclaiming of their love for one another on the balcony, and eventually their hasty marriage, in Act 2 Scene 2 and Act 2 Scene 6.

Is Juliet stronger than Romeo?

Juliet is the stronger character because she demonstrates fierce determination to forge her own path in life in a society which allowed almost no room for women to have a voice in their own lives.

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