What literary devices are used in Fahrenheit 451?

What literary devices are used in Fahrenheit 451?

Literary devices Fahrenheit 451

I remember the newspaper dying like huge moths Simile
The the city rolled over and fell down dead Metaphor
The fire was gone, and back again, like a winking eye Personification
Foreshadowing The panting of important clues to prepare the reader for what is to come

How is a theme of Fahrenheit 451 shaped by a literary element or device?

BookLover: The main theme in Fahrenheit 451 is the effect of censorship, and how both ignorance and knowledge are important factors in propaganda and other potential forms of bias or censorship. For example, books are banned in the future, yet the reader does not receive an answer or explanation as to why that is.

What is the main message of Fahrenheit 451?

Bradbury’s main message is that a society that wants to survive, thrive, and bring its people fulfillment must encourage them to wrestle with ideas. He indicts a society that puts all its emphasis on providing people with a superficial sense of happiness.

What are the values of the society in Fahrenheit 451?

In Fahrenheit 451, the primary values for society are peace and comfort, both social and physical. While this may sound appealing at first, the reader quickly realizes that this absolute peace is frequently maintained at the expense of the freedom and expression of individual citizens.

What does Fahrenheit 451 symbolize?

One example of symbolism in Fahrenheit 451 is the phoenix. The phoenix is used to symbolize rebirth. It shows that once something is created, it has to fall. Mankind would be compared to the phoenix that burns itself up and then rises from the ashes.

What does Montag symbolize?

Montag’s fever symbolizes his intense emotions and symbolically represents him purging the negative aspects of his former life as he begins to experience a significant transformation.

What does fire symbolize?

Fire symbolizes many things, including passion, desire, rebirth, resurrection, eternity, destruction, hope, hell and purification. And from our earliest literature, humans have written about fire. They have written about its ability to nourish and protect, but also harm and even kill.

Why was Clarisse’s uncle jailed?

Clarisse’s uncle is arrested for driving too slowly on the highway. He was once caught driving at forty miles an hour; as a result, he was jailed for two days. Clarisse maintains that people have to drive so fast that they can’t make out what they’re seeing.

Is Montag a hero?

Guy Montag is the protagonist and hero of the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Montag is the hero because he decides to stand up for what he believes in, while others stand by and watch the injustice of society. Montag is brave because he is willing to risk his old life for the advancement of society as a whole.

Why is Guy Montag an anti-hero?

In the Novel Fahrenheit 451, Montag is an anti-hero because he foolishly shares his views with and questions the enemy, lacks the traits of a hero, and struggles to conform to society as he battles to discover his individuality.

Is Montag a hero or villain?

Montag is a hero because he stole a book, he risked his life to read books to the women, he ran away from the only life he knew in order to save books. Montag started out his life as an ordinary fireman, until Clarisse asked him one day if he was happy.

Why is Guy Montag the protagonist?

The protagonist of Fahrenheit 451 is Guy Montag. Montag believes books might help him uncover the roots of his society’s problems and forge a new path into the future. However, Montag’s curiosity about books brings him into conflict with his wife, his boss, and society as a whole.

How old is Clarisse?

seventeen years

What does Clarisse symbolize in f451?

In Fahrenheit 451, Clarisse represents life. One manifestation of this is that she is presented as part of nature, which is often thought as a source of life. The ability to create life is probably one of the reasons why throughout the western culture women have been associated with nature.

What type of character is Guy Montag?


Is Montag smart?

Guy Montag is innately sensitive and imaginative, intelligent but blundering, and quite discontent with his life. However, when he encounters Clarisse, Montag meets a person who further ignites his imagination and mind by introducing him to new ways of thinking.

Who is Clarisse Mcclellan What is she like and how old is she?

who is clarisse mcclellan? what is she like? how old is she? A beautiful 16-year-old who introduces Montag to the world’s potential for beauty and meaning with her gentle innocence and curiosity.

How did Mildred die?

Montag finds Mildred passed out, having overdosed on thirty plus sleeping pills. Her stomach is pumped and her blood re-circulated. The next morning she doesn’t remember any of it. But she is very hungry.

Why is Mildred depressed?

The alternative is a little more interesting: Mildred is deeply unhappy. She’s severely bothered by the fact that her life is empty and filled with hours of mindless television. But in this world, it’s Mildred’s job to be happy. She’s done her duty by convincing herself she’s happy.

Why did Mildred kill herself?

Mildred is the one major character in the book who seems to have no hope of resolving the conflicts within herself. Her suicide attempt suggests that she is in great pain and that her obsession with television is a means to avoid confronting her life.

What is wrong with Mildred?

Physically, the main thing that goes wrong with Mildred in Part One of the book is that she almost dies. She accidentally takes a whole bottle full of sleeping pills and is near death before Guy gets these guys to come over and pump her stomach and replace her blood.

What is ironic about Beatty’s character?

There are several ironies in Beatty’s death: Montag believes that Beatty actually wanted to die; he was intentionally goading Montag into losing his temper. It is ironic that Beatty, who was supposed to be the face of calm, rational order and sensibility, and a figure of the government’s power, was eager to die.

What page does Montag burn the old lady?

page 48

Why does Montag kill Beatty?

After the firemen are deployed to Montag’s house, Beatty reveals that Montag’s hidden stash of books has been discovered, thus making Montag a criminal. He kills Beatty in order to save himself, but more importantly, to save Faber from persecution.

How did the hound not touch the world?

How did the Hound “not touch the world”? I think the Hound “not touching the world” represents Montag’s guilt. The guilt is not physically touching the world. And, the guilt is silent, yet it builds up and follows you, just like the Hound.

Why does Montag slap Mildred?

At the end of Part 1, Montag breaks the news to his wife that he has about twenty books stored in the air-conditioning duct above the front door. She freaks out and he has to slap her in order to calm her down.

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