
What makes a good college roommate?

What makes a good college roommate?

Always Clean Up After Yourself But always cleaning up after yourself is basically How to Be a Good Roommate 101; so clean your dishes sooner rather than later, take the trash out regularly, and don’t leave your clothes and books strewn all over the common spaces.

How do you survive a roommate?

How to Live with Roommates: A Survival Guide

  1. Lay Out the Rules. Stop disputes before they start with a clear set of guidelines that outline boundaries and responsibilities for every roommate in the apartment.
  2. Coordinate Schedules.
  3. Get Proactive with Bills.
  4. Respect Property.
  5. Spend Time with Each Other.
  6. Last Word of Advice.

What do you expect from a roommate?

23 Of The Best Damn Tips For Living With Roommates

  1. Communication is huge.
  2. You aren’t obligated to hang out together all the time.
  3. Discuss what food, if any, you want to share.
  4. Learn to take the high road, especially if you move in with your best friend.
  5. Good friends do not always make good roommates.
  6. Exchange emergency information with each other.

How can I be a fun roommate?

  1. Late-night roomie talks.
  2. Make dinner together.
  3. Enjoy a spa day at home.
  4. Enjoy an entire TV Series together.
  5. Exercise together and stay fit.
  6. Study together.
  7. Clean the apartment together.
  8. Hangout with mutual friends.

What do I need to know before getting a roommate?

Read on to check out what to ask to determine if your prospective roommate is right for you.

  • Reach out to your network:
  • Put out an ad:
  • Set up a time to talk:
  • Meet your prospective roommates:
  • Get to know each other:
  • Discuss bills, cleaning and more:
  • Create a roommate contract:
  • Look for a place together:

How can I be respectful to my roommate?

Roommate Etiquette Guidelines

  1. Establish some basic rules.
  2. Don’t borrow without asking.
  3. Respect the other person’s space.
  4. Follow the Golden Rule.
  5. Be respectful when inviting guests.
  6. Clean up your own messes.
  7. Keep your hands off the other person’s food.
  8. Respect the need for quiet time.

How do you start a conversation with a roommate?

How to Talk to your Roommate for the First Time

  1. Make contact!
  2. Introduce yourself!
  3. Clearly talk about who is going to bring what things for the room.
  4. Decide how you want to set up your beds, since you’ll need to notify IU that you want to do that before you arrive.
  5. Tell your roommate when you plan on moving in.

How do I text my future roommate?

Search the name of your roommate and check out some info about them. Most schools tend to assign roommates with similar interests, habits, or majors. Then, send them a friendly message saying, “Hi, I’m (your name), your new roommate at (school’s name),” to get the conversation started.

How do you ask someone to be your roommate?

But if you know they’re looking for someone to live with, broach the subject gently. Unlike a marriage proposal, you can ask a prospective roommate via text, email or social media. It’s likely better that way – they might appreciate the chance to think it over without having to respond immediately.

What do you say to a potential roommate?

Now that you have a way to contact them, think about what you want to say. It doesn’t need to be anything elaborate or long-winded — rather, something short and sweet is good enough. A simple “Hi, my name is ____ and I’m looking forward to being your roommate” will suffice.

Is it better to live by yourself or with a roommate?

If you have a roommate, you’ll probably feel less lonely. But if you crave solo time and really need to be alone to relax and recharge, living with someone else can cramp your style and may even cause stress — even if there are no particular problems between you and your roommate.

How do I become best friends with my roommate?

10 Ways To Become Friends With Your New Roommate

  1. Find common interests. This is something that will help you for the rest of the year.
  2. Learn about their family.
  3. Put your fears out in the open.
  4. Share your excitement.
  5. Watch a new TV show together.
  6. Decorate your dorm room together.
  7. Take a class together.
  8. Explore!

How do apartments get along with roommates?

12 tips to get along with your roommates

  1. Set and follow guidelines.
  2. Learn about new countries and cultures.
  3. Make time for that beauty sleep.
  4. Discover that headphones = happiness.
  5. Respect the schedule.
  6. Make space for personal space.
  7. Remember that sharing is (usually) caring.
  8. Clean up after yourself.
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