What makes a man and what makes a monster?

What makes a man and what makes a monster?

Singing the reprise of the song, Clopin gives a girl a new riddle: “What makes a monster and what makes a man?”, stating that Quasimodo is the man because of his humble kindness and selfless bravery, while Frollo is deemed to be the monster because of his selfishness, cruelty, and intolerance.

What is considered a monster?

A monster is often a type of grotesque creature, whose appearance frightens and whose powers of destruction threaten the human world’s social or moral order. A monster can also be like a human, but in folklore, they are commonly portrayed as the lowest class, as mutants, deformed, supernatural, and otherworldly.

Is Monster an animal?

noun. a legendary animal combining features of animal and human form or having the forms of various animals in combination, as a centaur, griffin, or sphinx. any creature so ugly or monstrous as to frighten people. any animal or human grotesquely deviating from the normal shape, behavior, or character.

What’s another name for a monster?

other words for monster

  • beast.
  • behemoth.
  • demon.
  • devil.
  • freak.
  • giant.
  • horror.
  • villain.

Why did the monster in Frankenstein kill himself?

The Monster’s decision to kill himself also confirms the importance of companionship. He recognizes that with Frankenstein dead, he is alone in the world, and he believes that without a companion there is no point in living.

What happens when the monster reveals himself to the Cottagers?

When the creature introduces himself to the cottagers Agatha faints, Safie runs away from the scene, and Felix beats the creature with a stick. Why doesn’t the creature kill itself after this incident? The creature doesn’t kill itself because he believes there is still hope to talk to the old man, Delacy.

Why does the monster see himself like the biblical Adam?

Explanation: The monster in the book ‘Frankenstein’ written by Mary Shelly sees himself as Adam first. He says that he is the first creation of his creator, just like Adam. Similar to Adam, he has no connection with any other human.

What does the monster compare himself to?

The monster likens himself to Adam, the first human created in the Bible. He also speaks of himself as a “fallen angel,” much like Satan in Paradise Lost.

How does the creature convince Victor to listen to him?

In Frankenstein, the creature convinces Victor to make him a mate by appealing to his pity and his fear. He makes an eloquent case for his lonely state, rejected by all of humanity. He also warns that he will kill Victor’s friends and family if his creator does not provide him with a companion.

Why does the monster want a mate?

The monster desperately longs for a companion because his life is miserable without the acceptance of humankind. He no longer has anything to live for, so the monster’s only motivation in life becomes revenge against his creator.

Does Victor create a female monster?

Summary and Analysis Chapter 20 Victor sets about his work, creating a second female monster. After following Victor and Henry through mainland Europe and England, the monster comes near Victor’s workshop in Scotland to see his mate.

Why does Frankenstein want revenge?

First, it ensures that it will never be accepted in human society. Second, because by taking revenge the monster eliminates any hope of ever joining human society, which is what it really wants, revenge becomes the only thing it has. As the monster puts it, revenge became “dearer than light or food.”

What does Frankenstein want most in life?

The creature wants to be loved and a companion the most in life. This goal seems unattainable as every human the creature comes across hates him and Frankenstein destroyed the creatures companion he was working on.

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