What makes something peer reviewed?
Peer-reviewed (refereed or scholarly) journals – Articles are written by experts and are reviewed by several other experts in the field before the article is published in the journal in order to ensure the article’s quality.
How do you answer give me an example of your creativity?
Creativity means creating something which is different from others. For example I love to play drums but don’t have drums to play at that i used to play on my college benches and blackboards which given me happiness.
What is the best example of your creativity?
When you put everything together, the example of your creativity should be engaging and to-the-point. Here’s a sample answer: “One of my key creative accomplishments occurred in my current job, when I had to increase market share for a new product without increasing our existing marketing budget.
What was the toughest challenge you’ve faced?
How to answer “What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced in work?”
- Consider previous challenges you’ve faced.
- Tailor your answer to the job description.
- Be specific about why they were challenges.
- Be honest.
- Make sure your answers present you in a positive light.
- Use nonprofessional examples if necessary.
What’s the most difficult thing you’ve ever done interview question?
An example of how to best answer this question for experienced candidates: “Probably the hardest decision I’ve had to make was when I moved from my prior team to my current team at work. I had spent two years working with my prior team and we had accomplished a great deal during that time.
What elements of your job do you find most difficult?
The most difficult thing for me is sitting idle at my job. I never understood the concept of finding a job where the work is less. According to my theory the only thing worst then more work is no work. Passing your time sitting idle is one of the hardest thing i have ever done in my life.
What do you see yourself in five years?
How to answer “Where do you see yourself in five years?”
- Think about how your goals fit with the job description.
- Envision the experiences related to this position that you’d like to have on your resume in five years.
- Reflect on your interests and how they might evolve in this role.
How do you see yourself in 2 years?
I’m thankful I started my career in sales and focused on that as much as I could for those first 2+ years until the right opportunity came along. My first manager figured it out, too. He realized in my first year that I was not a career salesperson and some day I’d move on to do my own thing.