What message about war does Hemingway Express in in another country how does he use the elements of fiction to express it?
Answer: Hemingway expresses his thoughts on war and its impact from the point of view of “The Lost Generation”. He expresses the message that the war was destructive and many people (i.e. those who are a part of The Lost Generation) deeply felt the losses caused by the war.
What is the narrator’s injury in another country?
The narrator’s injury is serious: My knee did not bend and the leg dropped straight from the knee to the ankle without a calf. Although the narrator goes each afternoon to receive his treatments, he has little faith in the physical therapy “machine” that he has been assured will make his knee functional once again.
What is the narrator of in another country doing in Italy quizlet?
The narrator played football (soccer ) in high school. The major used to fence he was once the greatest fencer in Italy .
What is the narrator of in another country doing in Italy?
The narrator of this story, a wounded American soldier, is recuperating from his injury in Milan, Italy. He receives treatments delivered by machines each afternoon at the hospital. His doctor seems overly optimistic.
What does the story tell us about how a man should behave in another country?
What does the story tell us about how a man should behave? In the story “In Another Country,” the narrator suggests that, even if he has no confidence in certain things, he should maintain hope and try to improve his life.
What happens to the major’s wife in another country?
In Ernest Hemingway’s “In Another Country,” the major’s wife died from pneumonia after three days of suffering. A character that Hemingway created to represent himself has an injured knee and goes to a hospital daily for rehabilitation.
Why must a man not marry according to the major in in another country by Ernest Hemingway?
In the short story In Another Country, the major said a man must never marry. The main reason he said this was because he was a soldier. If he were married in wartime, he would have two worries. One is that he would be distracted in battle, thinking about leaving his wife all alone if he were to die.
What did the major do before the war in another country?
In Ernest Hemingway’s “In Another Country,” what did the major do before the war? He was a doctor. He was a hand surgeon. He was the greatest fencer in Italy He played professional football.
What is the main idea of in another country?
The main themes of the short story “In Another Country” by Ernest Hemingway are war, courage and fear, and isolation and rejection.
What is the moral of in another country?
The nature of courage is one of the central themes of “In Another Country.” The American officer is afraid of dying and lies awake wondering how he will behave when he goes back to the front. The major’s courage in the face of his wife’s death equals his courage in accepting his disability.
What is the irony in the story in another country?
The other irony that we can find from “In Another Country” is this story tells the readers about four soldiers who feel that they lives were meaningless because of their wounds after war. They feel that they lost their trust in people because of those wounds. Their wounds make them have no hope in their lives.
What is the overall mood of the story in another country?
The mood of the story is charged, ultimately, with a tension that animates the sense of alienation and loss and poses that isolation as a sort of existential suffering. In order to live fully and with joy, one must take the chance that one’s joy can be taken away.
What is the meaning of the title in another country?
The most obvious meaning of “another country” is that the solider is literally in another country that is not his home. The second meaning that I took from the title is that perhaps the hospital could be seen as a foreign country set apart from the rest of the world and what is going on in it aka the war.
What is the theme of in another country quizlet?
One theme in Hemingway’s writing is the loss of innocence and a shift toward disillusionment.
Who is the narrator in another country?
Nick Adams
Who is the code hero in another country?
Hover for more information. While the narrator is the protagonist in the story, it is the Italian major who is the hero. He has the qualities typical of a Hemingway hero: he is an accomplished sportsman (champion fencer) and is a decorated soldier.
What happens at the end of in another country?
Near the conclusion of the story, the major’s young wife suddenly dies. He is distraught and lashes out at the American but then apologizes and tells him of his loss. After three days of mourning, the major returns to the hospital wearing a black band on his sleeve.
Why did the narrator in another country earn a medal?
The narrator has earned a medal for his contribution to the war, though the other boys have earned their medals for more daring acts, causing him to feel insecure about his own courage. …
Why does the boy with the black silk handkerchief on his face have no medals?
The boy who wears a black silk bandage over his face did not receive any medals because he had been wounded after serving only one hour at the front, not long enough to qualify for a medal. He had lost his nose and was having his face rebuilt by some early form of plastic surgery.
How does the narrator feel about the machines in another country?
In “Another Country” the pictures of the machines do little to inspire hope in the soldiers who have been injured. They feel only that they face uncertainty, alienation, and a lack of meaning in their lives.
What do machines symbolize?
Machine symbolism emphasizes the destruction of the individual by industry and technology, highlighting the lack of empathy and emotion in a society where people are indifferent to the needs of others.
What is the narrator’s plan once the war is over in another country?
What is the narrator’s plan when the war is over? To go to the states and hopefully get married.
What does the narrator suggest when he states that they do not go to the war anymore?
When the narrator declares that they do not go to the war anymore, he expresses the isolation of the wounded soldiers.
How does the attitude of the three boys toward the narrator change when they find out what he had done to get the medals?
As the narrator himself explains it to the local boys, he “had been given the medals because I was an American.” Other armies do not award medals in the same way that the American army does, and this confession changes the attitude of the boys toward him, as they had “done very different things to get their medals.” ( …
Why is the narrator suspicious about the photographs that appear on the hospital walls at the end of the story?
Photographs makes a brief appearance at the end of the story and symbolize meaningless wartime propaganda. The narrator also sees through the doctor’s pretense, as he notes he and the other officers were “the first to use the machines,” and so doubts the photographs’ authenticity.
What is ironic about the bad news that the major receives in another country?
The major is terrified of losing someone he loves, and says so. This whole thing is ironic in the long run, because he marries a woman much younger than him so that he would not have to worry about losing her. He waits until he is out of the war to get married, for the above reason.
What can we tell is the narrator’s attitude toward these machines?
What can we tell is the narrator’s attitude toward these machines? We can tell that the narrator is fearful of the machine because he is hopeful that it will fix him and then he will return to the war. Discuss Hemingway’s style in this text especially as it relates to the meaning of the story.