What music is performed before and during a play setting the mood for the drama?
Incidental music, music written to accompany or point up the action or mood of a dramatic performance on stage, film, radio, television, or recording; to serve as a transition between parts of the action; or to introduce or close the performance.
Which music is performed before and during a play?
Explanation: Incidental music is the music that accompanies some theatrical or audiovisual event.
What does Programme music mean?
Program music, instrumental music that carries some extramusical meaning, some “program” of literary idea, legend, scenic description, or personal drama. It is contrasted with so-called absolute, or abstract, music, in which artistic interest is supposedly confined to abstract constructions in sound.
Who does the idee fixe in Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique represent?
Harriet Smithson
What is idée fixe?
Idée fixe, (French: “fixed idea”) in music and literature, a recurring theme or character trait that serves as the structural foundation of a work. …
What does the idée fixe represent in Symphonie Fantastique?
Music Term: Idee fixe Idee fixe is a French term meaning “fixed idea”. It was first used by Hector Berlioz in 1830 to denote the repetition in his symphony fantastique. As a directive to a musician, Idee ixe is a theme expressed repeatedly, with or without variation, throughout a composition.
What was Berlioz idee fixe obsession that inspired Symphonie Fantastique?
The composer had to find an outlet for his obsessive love – naturally, that was music. He formed the idea of a “fantastic symphony” portraying an episode in the life of an artist who is constantly haunted by the vision of the perfect, unattainable woman.
What happens at the end of the Symphonie Fantastique?
What happens at the end of the Symphonie fantastique? a. The artist marries his love. The artist dreams he is executed and attends a witches’ sabbath.
What two figures influenced Berlioz the most?
Berlioz met Franz Liszt who was also attending the concert. This proved to be the beginning of a long friendship. Liszt would later transcribe the entire Symphonie fantastique for piano to enable more people to hear it.
What happens to the poet during his hallucinations in Symphonie Fantastique?
What happens to the poet’s beloved in the Symphonie Fantastique? In his hallucinations and nightmares, he kills her.
What is an idée fixe quizlet MUS 121?
What is an idée fixe? The concept of associating a melody with a person, object, or idea (similar to the leitmotifs found in Richard Wagner’s music dramas). Composers sought to mimic the style in music by emphasizing atmosphere and mood, avoiding pomp, and drifting melodies in and out smoothly.
Which instruments does Smetana use to evoke the following?
Smetana described it as, ”the merry sounds of a hunt and the notes of the hunter’s horn. ” To portray this musically, he uses the French horns and trumpets of the orchestra in a fanfare-type motif. Underneath the brass instruments, the strings continue to play the rapid water-motive.
Which two instruments are prominently featured at the beginning of morning mood?
Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg’s Morning Mood was originally used as incidental music for a play by Henrik Ibsen. The sunrise is depicted by a dramatic crescendo and the lilting and lyrical melody evokes the countryside with pastoral instruments such as the flute and oboe.
Who was the first great proponent of musical Romanticism in France?