What name was given to the group of investigative journalists who uncovered corruption in business and government in the late 1800s and early 1900s Progressives Conservatives muckrakers socialists?

What name was given to the group of investigative journalists who uncovered corruption in business and government in the late 1800s and early 1900s Progressives Conservatives muckrakers socialists?

Muckrakers were the journalists who uncovered corruption in businesses and government.

What are Upton Sinclair and Lincoln Steffens known for?

Upton Sinclair is famous for writing the book The Jungle,which exploits the horrible conditions of immigrants in industrialized cities during the early 1900’s. Lincoln Steffens is famous for being a muckracker,meaning he wrote for newspapers during the Progressive Era.

Why are they called muckrakers?

Where does the term muckraker come from? The name muckraker was pejorative when used by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt in a speech on April 14, 1906; he borrowed a passage from John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress that referred to “the Man with the Muckrake…

Why was the name muckrakers given to some members of the press during the Progressive Era?

the term originates from members of the Progressive movement in America who wanted to expose the corruption and scandals in government and business. muckrakers often wrote about impoverished people and took aim at the established institutions of society. what did the muckrakers write about?

What was the impact of muckrakers?

According to Fred J. Cook, the muckrakers’ journalism resulted in litigation or legislation that had a lasting impact, such as the end of Standard Oil’s monopoly over the oil industry, the establishment of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, the creation of the first child labor laws in the United States around 1916.

What did Spargo fight for?

Spargo helped draft the Colby Note that formalised the Wilson administration’s anti-communist policies. He strongly denounced the Bolshevik Revolution in Bolshevism: The Enemy of Political and Industrial Democracy (1919). He opposed the foreign policy of the New Deal, especially its recognition of the USSR in 1933.

What did the bitter cry of children expose?

The Bitter Cry of Children is a book by a socialist writer John Spargo, a muckraker in the Progressive Period. Published in 1906, it is an exposé of the horrific working conditions of child laborers.

Why is coal breaker work dangerous?

Dry coal would kick up so much dust that breaker boys sometimes wore lamps on their heads to see, and asthma and black lung disease were common. Coal was often washed to remove impurities, which created sulfuric acid. The acid burned the hands of the breaker boys.

What happened to Spargo when he tried working in a coal breaker?

In the following excerpt, Spargo described work at the coal breaker, the area outside the mine where coal was sorted and graded, mostly by young children. Crouched over the chutes, the boys sit hour after hour, picking out the pieces of slate and other refuse from the coal as it rushes past to the washers.

What did a trap boy do?

The trapper was often the youngest member of the family working underground. Their job was simple: to open and close the wooden doors (trap doors) that allowed fresh air to flow through the mine. They would usually sit in total darkness for up to twelve hours at a time, waiting to let the coal tub through the door.

What injustice did Spargo exposed?

John Spargo’s Work John Spargo made public the problems of the children in his book, “Bitter Cry of the Children.” In this book he exposed the horrific working conditions that children experienced in the factories.

What article did William Hard write in 1907?

Hard came to investigate in 1907 and attracted nation‑wide attention with his article “Making Steel and Killing Men.”

What major event led to reform in workplace safety?

How the Horrific Tragedy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Led to Workplace Safety Laws. The 1911 factory blaze shocked the nation and spurred new regulations to protect factory workers.

How did the Progressive Era affect working conditions?

Progressives addressed workplace efficiency and safety standards, child labor, workmen’s compensation, minimum wages, and working hours for women. Improvements at home included an increased emphasis on education, helping immigrant families, Prohibition, curbing prostitution, public health, and municipal services.

What was the labor reform?

The Labor Reform Act of 1977 was a proposed Act of the US Congress on US labor law that never came into force. It would have altered the labor legislation to bring it in line with modern developments and international standards by removing obstacles from employers to the formation of unions in the workplace.

Who led the labor reform movement?

The turbulent story of the labor movement in the United States is an important one in American politics and history. Here we feature three prominent advocates for the manual worker: Frances Perkins, Samuel Gompers, and César Chávez.

What was the most important labor law reform in the 1930’s?

Now FDR signed the Wagner Act, the most important labor law in American history. It affirmed the right of workers to organize unions, required employers to bargain with union representatives, and enhanced the power of the National Labor Relations Board to mediate disputes.

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