What nationality is Garvey?

What nationality is Garvey?


Who is Garvey in Touching Spirit Bear?

Garvey is Cole’s probation officer, and Garvey believes that Cole can change if Cole chooses to. Garvey’s plan is getting Cole into a Circle of Justice program instead of getting a jail sentence. Throughout Ben Mikaelsen’s book, Touching Spirit Bear, Garvey is resilient.

Why did Cole kill the spirit bear?

Cole’s attempt to kill the Spirit Bear proves that he has no respect for life. He allows his anger to control him. I think his anger compelled him to keep moving to kill the Spirit Bear. He wanted to prove himself.

Who is Nathaniel Blackwood?

Nathaniel Blackwood is the lawyer whom Cole’s dad hires to defend Cole after he assaults Peter. Blackwood is a stiff man who, in Cole’s opinion, must starch his underwear, judging by just how stiffly he conducts himself.

Does Cole die in Touching Spirit Bear?

While he’s trying to figure out what to do next, Cole runs into Spirit Bear. Instead of respecting the creature, though, he tries to kill it and gets mauled pretty badly. Cole can feel life drifting away from him as he lies out in the open getting rained on and feeling himself grow weaker, but he refuses to die.

Is Touching Spirit Bear a movie?

A movie based on the novel “Touching Spirit Bear” is in production, but doesn’t have an official release date yet. Another important location in the book is the school yard.

Is Touching Spirit Bear a true story?

In its most simple definition, Touching Spirit Bear is considered realistic fiction. Because it is not a true story, the novel is typical fiction, and because the events of the novel could happen to any person, it is also realistic.

Why is Cole so angry in Touching Spirit Bear?

Lesson Summary Cole Matthews in Touching Spirit Bear has been living with anger for much of his life that stems from abuse from his father. As a result, he takes his anger out on a younger student, causing him permanent brain injury.

Why is Cole so angry?

Because he’s grown up with alcoholic parents and a father who beats him regularly, Cole is angry and thinks that violence is the only way to solve problems. His memories of his family aren’t happy—in fact, he remembers distinctly the times when his father beat him up: As Cole kept screaming, his dad kept hitting him.

Who has Cole forgiven by the end of the dance of anger?

Ch. 22 – 24 TSB Study Guide

Question Answer
4. What does Cole talk to as if it’s a person during his dance of anger? A tree
5. Who has Cole forgiven by the end of the dance of anger? Himself, Dad
6. Why hasn’t Cole been able to carve anything in the empty space? Must help Peter first

What does Peter do to Cole’s totem pole?

What does Peter do to Cole’s totem pole while Cole and Garvey are on a hike to look for whales? Peter carves a new bear in Cole’s totem to replace the one he destroyed.

How does Peter try to get back at Cole?

Peter begins to pester Cole by mudding up his sleeping bag, destroying some of Cole’s carvings, and doing other things to annoy him. Cole offers him a totem pole of his own to carve, and Peter reluctantly accepts it.

What is Cole’s idea to cure Peter’s depression?

What is Cole’s idea to cure Peter’s depression? How does Edwin react to this suggestion? Cole suggested to bring Peter to the island along with perhaps either Edwin or Garvey to serve as insurance to Peter’s safety and to guarantee Peter’s safety to himself as well as Mr. and Mrs.

Why is there an empty space at the bottom of Cole’s totem?

According to Edwin, anyone can carve a totem. Why is there an empty space at the bottom of Cole’s totem? It represents Cole’s anger.

What does Cole learn from the Beaver?

Cole’s encounter with the beaver helps him learn stillness and trust. Now he’s ready to meet the Spirit Bear once again. Cole relinquishes his anger and carves a bear totem on the pole.

What did Edwin mean when he told Cole to become invisible?

Edwin is proud of Cole for his commitment to the project. What does it mean to be invisible, and what does Cole believe is the secret to invisibility? It means not being sensed or felt, mentally or physically; it has to do with having a clear mind – no anger, no desire to control or to hurt.

What does invisible and Cole believe is the secret to invisibility mean?

Cole learns that invisibility on the island does not mean going without being seen. It means not being sensed or heard. In this way, Cole and Peter are able to encounter the Spirit Bear again. Clole learns this by being a part of nature rather than trying to control nature.

How does Cole end his dance of anger?

Cole learned to forgive. He says, “Being angry is giving someone else control of my feelings so they own me. Forgiving gives me control again. After completing his anger dance, Cole thinks about what he learned from it.

What does Cole have to do to become invisible?

To Become Invisible Cole realizes that he can only be invisible if he clears his mind. He realizes that the beaver and fish only came close to him because his mind was clear.

How does Cole try to make himself invisible?

Cole keeps on carving the eagle and after he finished he decided to add a wolf to the totem. His interaction and realization of how amazing beavers are made him carve a beaver’s head too. He tries to make himself invisible by trying to conceal his scent using ash and cedar.

Who has filed for custody of Cole?

4. Who has filed for custody of Cole? Cole’s father.

What dance does Cole finally do?

anger dance

How does Cole think the island can help Peter?

How does Cole think coming to the island can help Peter? Cole believes that if Peter comes to the island, Peter can overcome his fears and heal by using the same practices that helped him.

How long is Cole willing to stay on the island in order for Peter?

How long is Cole willing to stay on the island in order to help Peter? Cole is willing to stay ther his whole life.

What Does Cole know about Peter?

Cole reveals for the first time to the whole group that he can’t heal until he helps Peter heal. Peter’s parents decide to leave the next morning, since they feel that Peter is safe with Garvey’s protection, but Mr. Driscal sternly warns Cole that if he touches Peter, he’ll go to jail for sure.

Who does Cole blame for his banishment on the island?


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