What Native period were these mounds built?
Mississippian Indians built pyramid-shaped platform mounds out of earth. They conducted their political and religious affairs on top of these mounds. Some platform mounds were 100 feet high and contained millions of cubic feet of earth. Conical burial mounds were still built, similar to those of the Woodland Period.
When were the mounds built?
2100 years ago
What was the name of the earliest mound builders?
The first mound building was an early marker of political and social complexity among the cultures in the Eastern United States. Watson Brake in Louisiana, constructed about 3500 BCE during the Middle Archaic period, is the oldest dated mound complex in North America.
Which prehistoric culture was known as the Temple Mound Builders?
Mississippian culture
What was the location of the largest mound building culture?
The Largest Mound Site: Cahokia. LaDonna Brown, Tribal Anthropologist for the Chickasaw Nation Department of History & Culture, describes Cahokia Mounds, which is located on the site of a pre-Columbian Native American city directly across the Mississippi River from present-day St. Louis.
How were the Anasazi and Mound Builders culturally different?
The Anasazi people lived in small caves or stone houses. At one point in their history they lived in defensible villages and cliff dwellings. That is one of the reasons that it is known that they liked to live near cliffs. The Mound Builders, on the other hand, built houses where they tied slabs to frames.
What did the mound builders use to hunt?
Corn (maize) was brought into the area from Mexico and was widely grown together with other vegetables like beans and squash. They also hunted both small animals like rabbits and squirrels and larger game animals like bison and various types of deer.
What caused the greatest number of Native American fatalities?
1: warfare with Europeans. 2: diseases spread by European contact. 3: warfare between Native American groups. 4: natural disasters.