What natural resources are available in the Andes Mountains agriculture lead Silver Oil gold?

What natural resources are available in the Andes Mountains agriculture lead Silver Oil gold?

Explanation: Gold, silver, lead, along with copper, tin, mercury, and sulfur, are the minerals found in the Andes mountains. Since over a thousand years ago natives from the area had been mining gold and silver to create decorative elements that they used in different rituals.

What are the natural resources in the Andes?

There is a long history of mining in the Andes, from the Spanish silver mines in Potosí in the 16th century to the vast current porphyry copper deposits of Chuquicamata and Escondida in Chile and Toquepala in Peru. Other metals including iron, gold, and tin in addition to non-metallic resources are important.

What natural resources are available on the coast that might not be?

Natural resources are available on the coast are sand, clay mineral deposits of oil and natural gas.

Are natural resources?

Natural resources are materials from the Earth that are used to support life and meet people’s needs. Any natural substance that humans use can be considered a natural resource. Oil, coal, natural gas, metals, stone and sand are natural resources. Other natural resources are air, sunlight, soil and water.

What are the 10 natural resources?

Top 10+ Natural Resources in the World

  • Water. While the earth may be mostly water, only about 2-1/2 percent of it is freshwater.
  • Air. Clean air is necessary for the existence of life on this planet.
  • Coal. Coal is estimated to be able to last less than 200 more years.
  • Oil.
  • Natural gas.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Bauxite.
  • Copper.

What are the two types of natural resources?

Natural resources are substances that occur naturally. They can be sorted into two categories: biotic and abiotic. Biotic resources are gathered from the biosphere or may be grown. Abiotic resources are non-living, like minerals and metals.

What are the three main types of natural resources?

Natural resources can be classified as potential, actual, reserve, or stock resources based on their stage of development. Natural resources are either renewable or non-renewable depending on whether or not they replenish naturally.

What is the most important natural resources?

This article will discuss the top natural resources and what they are used for.

  1. Water. Like soil, water is one of the most important natural resources for the existence of life.
  2. Soil.
  3. Timber.
  4. Salt.
  5. Oil.
  6. Natural Gas.
  7. Coal.
  8. Iron.

What is the classification of resources?

Resources can be classified in the following ways– (a) On the basis of origin – biotic and abiotic (b) On the basis of exhaustibility – renewable and non-renewable (c) On the basis of ownership – individual, community, national and international (d) On the basis of status of development – potential, developed stock and …

What are the 5 types of resources?

Air, water, food, plants, animals, minerals, metals, and everything else that exists in nature and has utility to mankind is a ‘Resource’. The value of each such resource depends on its utility and other factors.

What are the 4 types of resources?

Economists divide the factors of production into four categories: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. The first factor of production is land, but this includes any natural resource used to produce goods and services. This includes not just land, but anything that comes from the land.

What are the major classification of resources?

Natural resources may be further classified in different ways. Resources can be categorized on the basis of origin: Abiotic resources comprise non-living things (e.g., land, water, air and minerals such as gold, iron, copper, silver). Biotic resources are obtained from the biosphere.

How can we broadly classify resources?

Resources are broadly classified into natural, human-made and human. Natural resources are those that are taken from nature. They are used without modifying them, i.e. in the same form as they exist in. On the basis of level,of development, a resource can be actual or potential.

What are the main classifications of resources give examples?

  • On the basis of origin: Biotic- obtained from biosphere which have life. Abiotic- non living thing.
  • On the basis of exhaustibility. Renewable – renewed by physical, chemical or mechanical ptocesses.
  • On the basis of ownership. Individual – owned by a private individual.
  • On the basis of the status of development.

What are the types of resources class 8?

Resources: Anything that has some utility to satisfy our needs is known as a resource. Human beings are important resources because their ideas, knowledge and skills lead to the creation of new resources. Types of Resources: There are three types of resources—Natural resources, Man-made resources and Human resources.

How many type of resources are there?

three types

What are resources very short answer?

A resource is a source or supply from which a benefit is produced. Resources can broadly classified upon their availability—they are classified into renewable and non renewable resources.

How does anything become a resource for class 8?

1. Resource: Anything that can be used to satisfy human needs is a resource. OR All the objects in the environment, which are useful to man and have a value, are called “Resources”. Utility: A thing becomes a resource when its utility has been identified.

Is gold an ubiquitous resource?

It is not correct to say that gold is an ubiquitous resource as the term refers to a resource that is present everywhere. Gold is localised resource because it is found in specific regions.

Do resources have value Discuss Class 8?

The usefulness of the object gives it a value. As a resource is something that has utility, all resources have some value. The value of the object can be classified into two categories: Resources that have economic or commercial value.

How do something become a resource?

Things become resources when they have a value. A resource gains it’s value by how it used or their utility.

What is the value of a resource?

Thus, they are resources which have “Aesthetic Value”. (c) Legal Value: Resources like, Air, Water, Land, etc.. Are essential part of life, thus, it become our responsibility to protect them from pollution. These are “Legal Values” of the resources.

Which one of the following makes a substance a resource?

Technology makes a substance a resource.

Which is the most important biotic resource?


What type of resource is present in waterfall?


Which of the following is an actual resource?

Actual resources are those resources whose quantity is known. These resources are being used in the present. The uranium found in Ladakh is an example of potential resource that could be used in the future. The rich deposits of coal in Ruhr region of Germany is an actual resource.

What is difference between potential and actual resources?

Actual Resources are those which have been surveyed, their quantity and quality determined and are being used in present times. Potential Resources: The uranium found in Ladakh is potential resource that could be used in the future.

What is the difference between actual and potential?

When used as nouns, actual means something actually received, whereas potential means currently unrealized ability (with the most common adposition being to). When used as adjectives, actual means relating to a person’s acts or deeds, whereas potential means existing in possibility, not in actuality.

What are the example of actual resources?

Actual resources are coal,Water, petrol Potential resources are uranium in Ladakh etc. actual resource are resources whose quantity is known and are used in present.eg black soil in maharashtra . potential resources are resources whose quantity is not known and are not used in present.eg uranium in ladakh.

What is potential resources give two examples?

Some examples of these resources are natural oil reserves of the Middle East, the hydroelectric power of Niagara Falls, iron ore deposits of Madhya Pradesh, petroleum and natural gas in West Asia and India’s Mumbai High, dark soils in Deccan plateau and rich coal deposits in Germany.

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